Here are a few random thoughts of mine regarding what's happening...
Did anyone know where this footage came from, or did Jonas just *happen* to be in the right place at the right time *with* his camera? Or was the tape given to him by someone?incantation_mantra wrote: in Jonas' last video, he showed footage of Gemma with Bree's Helper, Lucy.
But anyway, I'm not sure yet if Gemma was followed by a watcher.
1. Why would she be so scared of this watcher but then be happily walking with Bree's helper (who is also part of the order) the next week?
2. However Jonas does say "doesn't even live in London" emplying that she was never there in the first place. Which would explain the background in her videos.
I agree with this. We all know that it seems odd that some random guy would just come along out of no where offering a place for them both to live. This is either a guy who wants to use Bree and Daniel for something or an act of kindness. I'm thinking not the kindness thing..incantation_mantra wrote: His side being not with the order, but with another group that is after Bree.
That may be a little far fetched but I don't believe that Jonas can be trusted, but I also don't believe that he is working with The Order.
Mabie Jonas does have some other sort of cult, or group.
He said towards the end of the video "I'm so bummed that you decided not to come here with Bree" Is this saying that he wishes Daniel was there also?
can Jonas really be trusted?
I agree with this part, only because, It would be a way to bring Daniel to him and it explains why Bree would not have been in any of Jonas' videos.incantation_mantra wrote: Onto Jonas.
I don't think that Bree is staying in her room by choice. I think that Jonas has her locked up, and is saying that she's upset and not leaving her room to:
1. Explain her lack of videos and presence in his videos.
2. To make Daniel feel guilty and have him come back to be with her, therefore Jonas having both Bree and Daniel locked up.
She would have wanted Daniel to know she was safe with Jonas and posted a video letting him know that, even if they did get into a fight before she left.
When Jonas said "It's like she's put herself into some kind of self emposed solitary confinement, you know like prison style"
Why would he have a smile on his face after that? Let alone an evil looking one. He would be trying to help Bree. And he wouldn't make a joke after it either.
When he is saying Gemma is a liar, he says it as though he has to make it sound like he is concerned, but he really isn't. It's all in the way he constructs his sentances and the way he pronounces the words.
Thanks for reading all of this. Sorry it was so long.