I have no idea whether this means anything or not, but if you go to
http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/4559/ex22lk0.jpg and look at the poem-image's page source information (i.e. click "View" on the toolbar and then "Page Source"), there's a url for the International Electrotechnical Commission repeated several times. It's on the first line of the page source information; just scroll wayyyy over to the right and you'll see it repeated twice, tucked in between the gobbledygook:
But the IEC is obviously a reputable international group, so this link isn't an invented ARG site.
I'm not really interested in, as the people at Unfiction say, "going behind the curtain" (i.e. trying to out the puppetmasters rather than solve the game) -- but is there some normal internet reason why this url would be embedded in the poem's page source code?