Again, though...mine was just an example to illustrate. I didn't mean to keep on it... in fact, I tried to be as general as I could. I also agree that self-moderation can only go so far...especially if the examples they have aren't the best.i think we need to drop the abusive moderator discussion and go back to suggestions on productivity and how to enhance it.
While I agree with self-moderation, you can only expect that to a certain level. And I really feel that moderators need to step their game up and realize that there is a problem with not only "flamers" and the way they put the policy into effect and when.
If a user sees a mod lay out a personal insult or start (or ask to start) a flame war...then the user is more than likely going to think it's acceptable behavior. It makes the mods look like total hypocrites and they lose any effective power they may have had.
Admins/mods need to be examples first...moderators second. In the board that I moderate, there are times when I just want to strangle some people and call them all poopyheads. But I learned that if I mirror their behavior, it gives them my power, and they become the examples.
In certain sections of thisforum, that type of occurance is plainly evident. In others, it is more controlled. It's all in how it's done and that the users know that if you do A, you get B. Everyone treated the same... "friend" or "foe" -- the same.