Also, what "regular" drives that damn far to go bowling? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
Yeah, that's the problem I'm having with this, too. The bowling alley owner happens to know the address of a regular customer? Well, okay....that could happen. But what business owner would give up that information? Granted, Jonas is a local boy so they might have gelt comfortable with that....
...but if JOnas was familiar with the place, might he have also been familiar with this guy?
And why in the world would they be traveling such a distance? It seems odd that a "regular" customer to a bowling alley would live so far out. He must be a regular guy if they know his address.
Shoot, even if they were driving all the way to Los Angeles, it's only about 8-10 hours of driving. NO need to get a hotel in the middle of the trip.
I would never consider getting a hotel unless my road trip were 10-12 hours...and even then I've been known to drive straight through. I did it all the time when I was in college. I wet to school in NOrthern Utah...and the drive home to California was almost exactly 12 hours long, with the halfway point being around St. George, UT. I made that drive 8-10 times a year over 8 years...and I only stopped at hotels once or twice each year.
So...yeah.....something totally stinks here. I've never really been comfortable with Jonas. He seems like a nice enough guy...but something's weird. Really weird.