The End of Fan Vids

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The End of Fan Vids

Post by voyboy »

Dear Creators,

I was thinking it that it would be a good idea that once you approve a fan vid, that the LG13 add be added on the end of them like OPs and Tachs. Or we could maybe choose banners...

What do you think?
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Post by The Creators »

I think it would be a little tricky to do that manually. When we redesign then website there will be a community voting system so the best stories float to the top and the best fan storylines are recognized.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

i think having a little signature banner at the end that we can download and impose into the video would be simple.

You just need to get paint out ...


idea's a bubbling in my head...

YOU: Who does that KTS think she is? Total bitch!

ME: I think I'm you, only better.

~Kelly, KMurr, and Kellylen <3~
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Post by voyboy »

Killthesmiley wrote:i think having a little signature banner at the end that we can download and impose into the video would be simple...
At first I was going to disagree, Kelly, and say that they need to be approved by Miles etc because that means that anyone can put it on the end of any vid, and there's too many freaks that would try and sabotage it.
But anyone can capture videos (duh! hello voyboy?) and do this anyway.

So, I will ask the Creators this instead:

Would you mind if we put the adds at the end of our fan video's?
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Post by immortal1 »

I think this is a great point idea Voyboy. YouTube is going to be significantly challenged. In addition to YouTube and revver you now have Livevideo, Veoh(Eisner,) Dailymotion, itsyourshow, uncut(AOL,) metacafe, soapbox(msn,) Yahoo video and MySpace video.

I have no doubt that fan vid makers will be taking their vids to these other sites it would only make sense to have an image with the website address at the end.

I don't see why it would have to be anything the site would have to add to the vids. A site created image could be made available to download and add to vids by fan vid makers.
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