So we should be looking for some kind of clue drop soon, right? Perhaps this is referring to the revelation 1 video?
perhaps she meant 'book' figuratively, and was referring to the amount of info we were about to be given- the predominant 'who' in "the who poem" appears to be us
So we should be looking for some kind of clue drop soon, right? Perhaps this is referring to the revelation 1 video?
in daniels vid for some reason after he stops running or whatever, he zooms up on that light or whatever was on that tree. i have no clue if this means anything. just seemed a bit odd.
this is bizarre but could this mean...while we beg for answers this "heir" (baby) inside bree continues to daniels last vid he says shes by doctors offices...the shot in her arm...all fertility treatments? i dunno...on one of the other boards i think theyre fiddling with the word heir in the poem and also the picture of the baby being born in cassies picture hint, its far out there but what about this whole story isnt?? lol
Last edited by meghan2 on Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
cassie is constantly saying, "i'm right above you. i am watching." and in the video, daniel looks up, and sure enough, there's a camera watching his every move. i took that as a direct crossover clue.
and also whenever daniel is running, at a certain point it makes a weird sound. like a sound when something needs to be reversed to hear what it actually says.. but i have no idea??
I'm the one that originally posted the possible Frank Harris connection. This is only my second post (well, third post, since i'm an idiot and posted this in the "What" thread first accidentally), so you'll note that I have avoided making a ton of speculation. However ... in reading that first stanza (the "WHO" one) ... I'm wondering if there is a further tie in with Frank Harris. His "best" novel -- according to Crowley -- was called The Bomb. The imagery of dropping a book is odd -- but less so if that book is called The Bomb. Dropping a bomb is fairly common phrasing and imagery.
No idea what it could mean, but it does strike me as (again) coincidental ... ESPECIALLY considering that Frank Harris' dubious "claim to fame" involved some pretty heavy sex.