Movie Maker Is Totally EASY! I have Adobe Premiere Pro V7 too, But it sucks. The only good thing about it is the three audio slots. I like to watch my vlog as I go along. Edit here, watch it, edit there, watch it, undo edit, watch it, add music, watch it. I know, I'm weird. But I watch my movies 34865 times before I post them.Cuddlebunni wrote:I agree.. the moviemaker is teh easy. I have adobe premier, but havent really learned much on it, and im lazy, Im tryin to make the hubby learn it all and hire his as my vid editor. I will pay him in lap dances.
I WANNA SEE A JENA VLOG TOOOOO! Seriously, they are easy to do, I dont plan much of what Im about to say ( i think thats obvious with all my "umms" and eye rolling while Im thinking) but its kinda fun that way. Just turn the cam on and start rambling. And shoutout vids always work! They are good starting vlogs!
I just got ULead Video Studio though. It just might be a winner! I just need something like Ulead with Adobe Audio Options. Then I'd be scraight.