Jess4298 wrote:Exactly!!! Not that I've had sex even I'm 24 and it's no longer "taboo" lol
Well, pre-marital sex occured then, just as it does now (not as often, mind you, but it wasn't out of the ordinary). The difference is that then it was not something that was discussed, in public or in private. And if it resulted in pregnancy, then it also resulted in marriage.
Now, the rules have changed; sex is not only discussed in public forums, but sexual conquests are bragged about, and inneuendo drips from every corner of our society.
Women have gained considerable freedom in how they have sex, even in whether or not they choose to have it.
Nowadays, there are, in effect, two extremes: the nymphomaniacs who sleep with any man, and the abstinent, who feel that sex is a sacred act that should be practiced only in marriage.
In truth, this polarization is no new development. On the contrary, it has always exsisted. Now, however, it has come to the forefront of our conscious and it confronts us everyday.
I applaud you for your decision to abstain from sex despite having it thrown into your face every day.