Celtic Influences?

The Hymn of One: Religion or merely recruiting for the Order? Discuss her "religion".

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Celtic Influences?

Post by Dani »

I know that from what most people have said, Bree's religion(cult) is not an exact one. Seems to be combined with multiple sources and theories. I was just curious to know if anyone had looked at any Celtic Cults or religions. The following quote I found on this website: http://library.thinkquest.org/C0116903/ ... ituals.htm under the 'Human Sacrifice';
"It was recorded by Roman historians that druids sacrificed criminals who had been condemned to the death penalty. The victims were strapped into large containers made of wicker. These containers were then burned, along with the live victim. Another type of sacrifice is recorded in the recovery of the Lindow Man. He was recently recovered in a bog, his body perfectly preserved. He had suffered the "threefold death." He had been simultaneously drowned, strangled, and clubbed to death. The body was examined and no signs of struggle were found. This means that the Lindow Man may have been kileld willingly, as in Celtic belief, death is the beginning of the cycle, not birth. The dead were thought to be reincarnated. One reason for this theory of voluntary sacrifice is that the Celts thought that everything was held in a balance of forces. If one died, someone else would be spared. Some legends describe a man being sacrificed for the good of a sick noble, so that he would recover his health. We not know for sure if sacrifices were strictly part of executions, or also ceremonial. There is much evidence of animal sacrifice throughout the Celtic areas. We believe that the druids used sacrifice as a divinatory tool, enabling them to predict the future. An animal would most often be used, though humans may have been killed for very important predictions. Crom Cruach, an idol located in Ireland, may have been the object of many sacrifices in Ireland, including those of children, though we can not know for sure."
I know that it has been "established" that Crowley has something to do with her religion, but I just find that the more I take the small pieces of information given.. the more I see the origins of some celtic religions/cults.
Just my point of view on things, but I see that most may disagree
Last edited by Dani on Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by silvermoon »

Good researching.

Have to put out a couple of points on my own on this one: there is very little written history of Celtic religion/ceremonies. Most of what we know of the Celts and their religion has been through oral history. Also, the Celts were made up of a ton of small bands of people. What we know of their religion shows that each band had almost a completely different religious practice from the next. (Celtic history is something of a hobby)

Also, Crowley, as far as I know, has never been connected with Celtic religion. Much more closely connected to the Celtic religion is the modern religion of Wicca, that has taken many of the known aspects of Celtic religion and worked it (along with many other religious overtones) into the modern religion it is today.

And by no means am I trying to imply that Bree's religion has anything to do with Wicca, lol.

The one thing that stands out that is similar to the Celtic religions is the use of the solstices and equinoxes. However, many religions worldwide have ceremonies or celebrations on those days.
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