at first I wanted to agree with you, ESPECIALLY considerring they came up with nada on their search.unlimite-dj wrote:sorry dude, but thats the wrong sign, even the trees in the background aren't right, In this one there are some skinny tree in the background on the other side of the road. I the cassie video, you can just see the begining of the street sign(look to the top right on the video picture) as well the backround on the other side of the street is rocky and looks like a hill. If you put the two photos side by side, you will see that they don't match.
You are right, a prominent street sign is missing.
However, I STILL think they went to the right place. why?
if you look closely at the picture in cassie's video, you'll notice the brown Angeles Forest Sign is a little aged.
In particular, you'll notice two cracks/scratches on the sign. The first starts at the top of the sign, goes straight down, and ends directly to the left of the "N" in "National." the second is a shorter scratch that starts at the top of the sign, goes straight down, and ends above the "N" in "ANGELES."
In the picture that NillaWafers took, those scratches are exactly where they should be. That is TOO much of a coincidence.
The Park Rangers must have moved that sign for whatever reason since the time of Cassie's filming.