GoodGollyItsHolly wrote:OMG Luvs!! Did you see that video that was all over the news of that guy whos shoot didnt open and then he fell to the ground but survived?!?!?!
He is freakin' awesome! I mean, if HE can get back up, then my broken leg ain't nothin'! I just get REALLY sick of our bad rep, and showing only the bad things that happen ticks me off, but I figure if I just live by example and educate people that want the truth, then that's all I can do. *climbs down carefully off of soapbox*
GoodGollyItsHolly wrote:people love to talk about the negative...
I think you are a superstar for skydiving!
It is the most awesome thing I've ever done. And seriously....if my MOTHER can do it...and she is terrified of heights and amusement park rides....than ANYONE can do it.
creativebarbie wrote:hahahaha. * crap my plans are foiled * at least I get to keep him... he is sitting here on top of my computer.
I could never skydive...the paralizing fear of hights and falling has to do with it..
I was the last person to think I would do it. It was just a foreign concept to me when I met my husband. I was like "you do what?". Then I went to the dropzone, did an observer ride, watched tons of vids and read FAQs and found out I was wrong on a lot of things. You never feel like you're falling. You are going 80 mph when you come out of the plane so you aren't starting from 0 so it's just a sensation of a lot of wind. If anything, you feel like you are flying. Geez, don't get me started...I could go on and on. I'm really done.
I wondered why people were looking at me funny after lunch and just remembered the stupid ash smudge on my forehead. Sigh..the habits I keep because of my mother.
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