
Books that Bree has read or that people might like related to LG15 and her world

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Post by QtheC »

Critically described as one of the "greatest" comics (or illustrated novels) ever, Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons has as a central theme the question, "Who's Watching the Watchmen?"

The "Watchmen" are superheroes with flaws and complexity, but I cannot do the book justice here. To read more about it as it relates to the TV show LOST, there is an excellent thread on a forum called The Fuselage.

There are several aspects of this lonelygirl15 which lead me to consider Watchmen a possible source for the backstory, including it's Watchers, ancient Greek and Egyptian references, possible biblical or angelic references, etc.

Whether it is or not, I have read and highly recommend this book - it is not a simple or average comic.
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