krig wrote:Hey, eno! Don't worry, I'm still not convinced that your boy is evil!
Daniel could still be brainwashed and has concocted this whole scheme to drive Bree away from the safety of Jonas... Maybe Bree is still more stupid than she thought!
Who knows!! Hopefully that's the case
I too have discovered the location of our fearless Commander Cloud!
(But I'm not telling either!!)
Someone just made this point, and I thought it was so good that I needed to repost it:
Rebecca said:
Isn’t Tachyon in the know before everyone else? Tachyon knew Gemma was in the Order because Tachyon rescued Brother from her before Gemma got really involved with Bree. So, I don’t think Jonas is bad. Tachyon would’ve said something when she spent the day with them. And Tachyon has had all this time to check into Jonas’ background and we haven’t heard anything.
Since everyone (Bree, Jonas, Tachyon, Brother) seems to think that Daniel's conditioning/brainwashing has worn off, maybe Tachyon didn't yet perceive him (Daniel) as a threat when she was there for the day. is entirely possible that Daniel had a trigger (blatant Buffy reference), that was planted in his brain and was just waiting to be activated. Or, there is still the more simple theory that Daniel hates Jonas and is jealous, so he planted the thing just to get them out of there.
Bathroom update: would you believe that my bathroom STILL isn't totally finished. I want them to be done so I can clean my apartment! The floor is done, but they still have to reseal the tub and put the bathroom door back on.