Maybe he was never told about the package that Tachyon left. AFAIK, only Daniel and Bree have acknowledged that they knew about it, and, at the time that Daniel found the package, he was sorta angry with both Bree and Jonas, (Jonas, moreso). In that case, it would stand to reason that he might not share his findings.Sami wrote:if Jonas knew the symbol was there, why didn't he say "Guys, I have some artwork with a symbol who looks a bit like the watcher symbol"
Also, as for why he didn't say something long before this about "hey, I remember seeing a symbol that looks a bit like the watcher's symbol somewhere before," maybe it just never crossed his mind, (did Jonas even know what the watcher's symbol looked like at all?).
While I agree that Jonas' parents were probably affiliated with the Order, how are we to know for certain that Jonas had any knowledge of it?GawainsChallenge wrote:Yeah, Jonas' parents were affiliated with the Order. He knows it but doesn't want to let on. He's going to have to soon though.
I'm sure there are quite a number of members that make up the Order. Even if Jonas' parents were involved with the Order, what are the odds that his biological parents were also Bree's? It's a possibility, yes, but I don't thinks that it's as big of a possibility as people are making it out to be.longlostposter wrote:Because Jonas said that was there from a long time ago. That was indicate that Jonas's parents were in the Order; so were Bree's "adoptive" parents. Is there a connection there? I think it's a good possibility.
Tachyon's older sister was the one to do the ceremony. If Jonas was Brother, than who was flying the helicopter in Human Ransom, and who was Bree referring to when she said "if she says we can trust him, we can trust him."? It just doesn't fit.longlostposter wrote:Now, is Tachyon the sister of both Bree and Jonas? Is Jonas the Brother, that Tachyon has been communicating with? This would explain why Tachyon felt comfortable staying the weekend with them at Jonas's house.
Again, I don't understand why everyone in this series has to be related to everyone else somehow.