*grumble* I think someone at NBC needs punched in the face...
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
rachelalexis wrote:I missed you! Let me apologize immediately that I'll be typing slow. I'm typing one handed (dirty!) because my left is all bandaged and stuff.
It was so good! Fav line was by Linderman, something like "you won't get any of my pot pie then" (diiiiirty!!!) Malcolm McDowell (I think that's his name) has ALWAYS creeped me out.
and were they hinting that HRG and the missus took a shower together? HAWT
Has it? I payed attention a little when HRG handed out a Primatech card with that number on it....but then it seemed like you had to have a cell to participate, which I don't. So blah on that.
Anyone else paying attention to Hiro's blog? I read it via RSS, and it's frustrating because the post that fits with the previous episode always shows up in my reader *after* the new episode airs. It's quite frustrating...
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
Hmm, screw ups were happening with the commentarys too. I thought it was just that part of the site, but maybe not. I'm not even close to being caught up with his blog or the comic...oh well, it's something to do during the hiatus.
All I know is that Shape-Shifting Bitch (who can make herself look like anyone) needs to die . She's so damn annoying. I'm glad to see Ando back, though, since he and Hiro make a great team. Hopefully Claire's not in trouble after having sought out Peter, since her rebelliousness is going to get her killed someday (though it's pretty tough to kill her ). And I was a bit surprised about Malcolm McDowell being Linderman, since from behind he also looks like Donald Sutherland.
Kanazaka wrote:All I know is that Shape-Shifting Bitch (who can make herself look like anyone) needs to die . She's so damn annoying. I'm glad to see Ando back, though, since he and Hiro make a great team. Hopefully Claire's not in trouble after having sought out Peter, since her rebelliousness is going to get her killed someday (though it's pretty tough to kill her ). And I was a bit surprised about Malcolm McDowell being Linderman, since from behind he also looks like Donald Sutherland.
Totally agree with you about the shape shifter. When Simone got shot, I was like Oh.My.God. NOOO!!!! But then I saw the "next on Heroes" and she was alive, and I was relieved. But then it turned out to be a trick! It still hasn't fully processed that she's dead. Gah.
thanks! You should check out the other ones I was considering, all Heroes related of course! *considers PMing, but usually reserves that for naughty piccies only*
and you went back to your old avvie? Last I saw it was different, did you have seperation anxiety?
FuturePeter is my make believe boyfriend.
When in doubt, go straight to sex. --Jack Coleman (HRG)