Mirage wrote:
Johnny, Johnny, Johnny....
Your posts continue to tickle my funny bones.
Although I gotta tell you, just because you've had experience with Cheap Thai Hookers (is this a phrase to capitalize? perhaps it should be TMed), I dont think that means you need to project that onto every picture of a dark haired female.
For instance, I've had a lot of experiences with men who were bastards, but I dont project those experiences onto other men that I meet (except the ones who ARE bastards).
I don't project that onto every picture of a dark-haired female, I just thought that girl in your pic was. I'm guessing she's not, since you still haven't said, but you seem to be indicating she's not. I spent so much time with the Cheap Thai Hookers because they always came into the clinic/shelter where I was doing volunteer work at the clinic/mission in the Bowery. Many a time did I feed them soup and tend to their bruises that they got from the "johns" (No Punns intended LOLMAO!!!) that would be abusive to them. That's why i assumed it was Alexter Crowly in your avitar also because he was an abuser, from what I understand.
Anyway, I'm sorry you've had so many experiences with bastards, perhaps you ought to try meeting a better class of men? (I'm not quite sure why it matters that these men don't know who their fathers were, but it seems to bother you.) In any case, I wouldn't care if a woman was a bastard, or an orphan for that matter, if I truly cared about her. Maybe you ought to look beyond the superficial trappings of lineage and see these men for who they REALLY are? It shouldn't matter if they don't know who their fathers are. I see on TV all the time, there's lots of women who don't know who their Babie-Daddy is. One woman on Maury today, she tested the 8th guy for Peternity, and you know what Maury said? He said, "In the case of 2 year old Tamiqua, Keshawn, you are NOT the father!!!" and then the babie-mama went running off the stage, weeping, for the 8th time on the Maury show. I could not believe what I was seeing!!! I'm glad I caught today's Maury show, because it just happened to be peternity tests as today's show topic. Wowwee wow wow, what a DOOZY!!! But I don't think it should be held against Tamiqua when she grows up that she's a bastard, it's her mother's fault, for being such a "trickass ho" (not my words, but that's what Keshawn called her in his video, before the peternity test).
Mirage wrote:
I'm sorry about your lack of girlfriends, for the life of me I cant imagine why that would be. You obviously seem well learned and very articulate. Perhaps it's because you persist on thinking that most, if not all women are Cheap Thai Whores? (tm)? Or maybe it's because of your associations with said Whores. Most women don't like men who have had such experiences with CTW's.
I don't think that all women are Cheap Thai Whores, I realize that only a small percentage of women (in America, anyway) are of Thai descent. But you're right, probably because I associate with the whores, women probably think that I got their diseases from helping them in the clinic and shelter. People are so ignorant about AIDS and STD's these days - you can't get it from a toilet seat, and you can't get it from doing volunteer work with the downtrodden in our society. But people treat the downtrodden like they're Leapords! Nobody wants to see them, touch them, hug them, or help them. It's sad! I guess by my association with such people, maybe women do reject me by association.
Mirage wrote:
Dont ever stop believing, Johnny. You are an awesome guy and deserve all the best in future endeavors!
Thanks for saying I'm nice, BTW. I'd like to think so but it's always nice to hear(I do so enjoy getting my ego inflated. You know how it is).
All the best wishes!
(BTW--I don't like the idea of you beweeping your outcast state, or troubling deaf Heaven with your bootless cries, so here's a little something for you, from me, with love)
A lot of sweat put the immortal gods
to the forefront of the virtue reaching endeavor.
Long and hard and painful
the road to happiness in the begining.
But when you get there,
it becomes so easy
and pleasant that you forget
all the hardships that preceded.
Thanks for the kind words back! Funny you should say "don't stop beliving", because I just heard a song the other day by some 60's rock group called "Journy" and some of the words were "Dont stop, beleeevin...hold onto a feeelaaayayainnn...Street fights, whoooowwwhooohoohoohoooooooooooooo!!!!" I found this song to be my new inspiration, and I'm making it my new theme song, replacing "I of the Tiger" by Surviver!!!
And thanks for your poem! I like it, did it take you a long time to write it? It took me forever to write my couplet for you! I like the idea that the Immoral gods paving the way to happiness that hardships proceed! It reminds me of a favorite movie of mine, the Shortshank Redemption, starging Morgan Freedman and Timothy Robins. In the end, they end up in Quaoaxacatal, Mexico, on a beautiful pristine beach, next to the beuatiful blue pacific under a Sky blue Sky!!! It is my dream, to be like that one day!!! I love Mexico, coincidence? I think not!
Thanks for the inspirations and wonderful Imaginations, Mirage! (By the way, Mirage is one of my favorite hotels in Las Vegas!)
Love always,
~ JJ