Could Bree be an alien or some other type of creature?

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Post by JohnBigbootie »

Julie (wasn't Julie the blonde member of the long ago TV classic "Mod Squad"? hmmmm)

Forgive me for not paying attention to your theory with the immediacy you feel it warrents. You may not realize this but I am constantly bombarded with ridiculous theories and propositions proffered by crackpots and zealots.

I have yet to address the most credible of theories so far (i.e. Gogo's Gremlin obsession). The Gremlin was indeed a suspicious WWII phenomenon. I am surprised that no one so far has recognized me through my avatar. In the 1940's I relied heavily on alien technology for my work. I believe the "gremlins" were some sort of investigatory force.

ALl that being said. I am interested in your theory and hope you woll continue to develop it. The word succubi has always been a favorite of mine. It brings to mind so many images.


chershaytoute.....the FEMA conundrum is indeed a dangerous puzzle.
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Post by gogo »

Thank you, Monsieur BigBootie. (And sorry for my recent stinging accusations about you, medication and sock-puppetry. I was beside myself and very caught up in the mob-mentality of the recent angry posts.) Although I secretly continue my gremlins work, I no longer have the energy to share it here in this heart-breaking, soul-numbing thread. (I am still quite hurt.) In addition, I am so looking forward to the equinox to leave with Klaatu.

At this point, I only possess the energy to lurk at the succulus thread, longlost. Undoubtedly, I am intrigued, but I haven't the time to delve into new areas of research. However, I will be watching eagerly for whatever fascinating insights that emerge from your revealing theory. Best of luck.
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Post by longlostposter »

gogo wrote: (I am still quite hurt.)
I am indeed sorry that you are so thin-skinned, gogo. Perhaps this galaxy that you and Klaatu journey to will be a more loving one (ha ha).

Oh my Lord, a frighening possibility just entered my sometimes irrational mind. What if:

Klaatu is a Gaylien Orderite? Perhaps this Order is not only global, but intergalactic as well?:shock: Be careful, gogo. I still have human sympathy enough to care for your well-being, even though you have continually slighted me in this thread.
gogo wrote:At this point, I only possess the energy to lurk at the succulus thread, longlost. Undoubtedly, I am intrigued, but I haven't the time to delve into new areas of research. However, I will be watching eagerly for whatever fascinating insights that emerge from your revealing theory. Best of luck.
As to your thinly-veiled acerbic remark about my succubus thread (I assume this is the case, since it received only one reply), I'm sure you are intelligent enough to surmise that it was in jest. It was obviously meant to be a sardonic reference to Bree's extraordinary skills at emotionally draining every man she comes in contact with. However, despite your cynical and derisive comments, I will continue to forge ahead with my research.

On the other hand, if I have misjudged your intent, please accept my apologies.

I can't help but notice, gogo, that you have now included an "I suck" link in your signature. Is this a coincidence? I think not; although why you are now revealing to us that you are, indeed, a succubus, I can only guess. In addition, your revealed lack of energy further supports this.

JBB, I will continue this succubi research, and report my findings here. I am also very interested in your findings regarding the sinister relationship between FEMA and horrendous disasters. Please keep me informed as to what you have discovered about this treacherous conspiracy by the US government.
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Post by gogo »

Oh longlost, I must apologize for my seemingly elitist attitude toward your input on this thread. After realizing that I made light of the subject of your interest, I see that I was only behaving childishly and hypocritically considering that I was/still am quite hurt by the current abandonment of many of my fellow-researchers. My most recent post was written with the intention of supporting your area of interest (succubi). Perhaps I was jealous with concern that your succubus theory would overshadow my gremlins theory. Who can say how the mind works when overcome with frustration and sadness. However, I am strong enough to admit when I am wrong and to accept the consequences of my actions. Therefore, I admit that I behaved in a thoughtless manner, so I hope that over time and with careful effort and patience that one day we will be able to put this shameful incident behind us.

I will keep your warning about Klaatu in mind. Thanks for the heads up. Good luck with the succubi research.

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Post by longlostposter »

Gogo, did you elaborate on your Gremlins theory and I missed it? Could you possibly tell me approximately what page it is on?

No, gogo, it is I who must apologize. Having seen the aggressive attitude of many of the posters here, I assumed the worst about you and your post. I apologize, and I hope that you will accept my apology.

I hope that we can all get along at this point, and put this ugliness behind us (although there doesn't seem to be many of us left, ha ha).
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Post by chershaytoute »

gogo, I don't know if you have noticed my location listed to the left?

A noted Gremlin infestation was documented in a movie of that name in which a young boy inadvertently - supposedly - unleashes a horde of the little blighters on a small town. Though the name of the town was said to be Kingston Falls, it was actually Astoria, Oregon (quite the northernmost in Oregon)...

We have quite a stake in keeping the gremlin population of the world down, here in Oregon. Along with the Bigfoots - or, as some of us more grammatically understand them to be called (although the creatures themselves refuse to cooperate), Bigfeet - they are now pervasive throughout the woods of the Pacific Northwest.

It's entirely possible the gremlins have teamed up with FEMA in an effort to keep this area as wet and rainy as it has come to be known.

This is something I am obviously going to have to research more myself!
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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Post by gogo »

chershaytoute- I am glad that my research has not gone to waste. I will contact you with any information that I come up with which could possibly serve as a helpful resource to you and yours.

longlost- Here is where I shared some preliminary gremlins information.

Have a good evening...
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Post by longlostposter »

Poignant greetings my fickle friends and fellow neurotics.

I am posting to you this AM with a heavy heart (and half-closed eyes), as my nocturnal musings this evening past prevented me from obtaining the repose I so desperately needed; an inevitable result of joining this thread and analyzing the information contained herein.

As I contemplated the verocity of the many theories posted here, an overwhelming feeling of dread overcame me. FEMA, malevolent climate control, the IRS, succubi, Bigfeet, the Loch Ness monster, Gremlins, Iraq-nids, Tommy Lee, Gayliens; is there no end to the horrors that have befallen the human race? And from whence cometh our salvation?

It has also recently come to my attention that Pamela Sue Rock is the Mother of all succubi. How many men have succumbed to this viper's amorous advances, and how many more will she victimize?

And than there are the Orderites; the despicable scum that seek to destroy us from within; as if our kind didn't have enough to contend with without their particularly insidious form of sabotage.

I sob uncontrollably, as I fear our reseach is far too late to turn around the fate that most certainly awaits us all.

Gogo, I am looking further into the Gremlin threat, and will be posting regarding these freaks of nature very shortly.

Cher, I am so sorry to hear about the FEMA/Gremlin/Bigfeet calamity that has arisen in your region. For the sake of us all, it is my fervent prayer that this ubiquitous threat will be contained speedily.

JBB, I anxiously await your next post, as I find your perspicuous meanderings (is that an oxymoron?) entertaining, delightful, and enlightening.

Tag, you're it.
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Post by Klaatu »

THis good-by party is absoluely insane...let me shut the door and say what I need to say...MAn that Todd Rundgrin rocks for an old man, good thing too because Tom Waitts bummed everyone out and that f'in' Greg Allmon is NO angel....Thank god NNRBQ is up next


Ladies and Gentlemen (and all who are currently posing as such)...good bye and good luck. My time is now. I had the opportunity to leave sooner but recent events piqued my interest and I was unable to depart amidst such scandal.

I have come to know many of you and admire all of you.

I am so excited to say that I will be taking home with me several lovely picture postcards given to me by a distinguished member of your group. No one at home would believe my descriptions if they didn't see it themselves. I am sure they will doubt there authenticity. I myself wonder if they do indeed represent the individuals they claim to. No matter, it is the parts of anatomy and their percieved eroticism that my colleagues will be so very amused by.

Elohim certainly has a sense of humor!

[b]Gogo [/b]your accommodations are ready. If you are indeed prepared we have made all the of the necessary arrangements. I can assure you that no effort has been spared to ensure your comfort. I have personally made certain that you will be able to communicate with those you choose. Forum broadcasts are enabled. Communications with the Cove are also available but I caution you that they are are a subversive lot and any exchange you have with them will be monitored by our first officer Slainte.

Your pick up time is 12:15

For those of you we leave behind. Please keep up your study. I know that
you are all so very, very close to the truth. I am forbidden, of course, to share my knowledge. You must certainly know that at your curent intellectual level you are far, far too incapable of dealing with it all as a single truth. I offer these small truths to hasten your understanding

~ Look to Iris for meaning
~ The Monkey swings carelessly because he knows where the vine ends
~ Milowent for ciggarettes and just never came back (just like my dad)~ ~Life IS l Life and the Truth is Us
~Elvis is Everywhere
~[b]Taig lives[/b] and Spaciegirl rides with him.

Glen....Gort sends his thoughts. As always they are imperceptible to me, perhaps you will understand them and do the right thing; whatever that may be.

Thanks for the memories, Goodnight Mrs. Calabash wherever you are.

Love you all
Gort! Klaatu. Barada nikto
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Post by JohnBigbootie »

whoa what freakin party.......I hope my mom is not waithihng up

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Post by JohnBigbootie »

that damn Klaatu os a wild man....I say get rid pf that metal contraptiom he is always carrying around na he'd be ok

although I hate his freakin haircut,,,nYVBW HW=E SHIUKS=D V=Da he should be dating JOan
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Post by IandIBrother »

Bigbootie is a white devil babylon brother....

to the spa my friends we willwatch klaptoo take his ovewrpowered mustang to the last highway
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Post by Innocent_Bystander »

i will ride like the wind!!!!

tminus 14
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Post by JohnBigbootie »

gentlemen this is not a chat thread! let's quit the frollic and take our seats

I bet tweny bux GoGO does not show up at dparture time
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Post by Innocent_Bystander »

you are on....I say the girl satys good bye to all and takes the ride!

IF she doesn't she is nuts....I didn't and hav regretted it ever since

Go! Go GO (hee heeeeee funny huh?)
That's him officer! That's the man!
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