Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate Memorial Supper (observance of the Last Supper) once a year. This date is on Nisan 14 (, which is very hard to trace. Those who partake are considered the "annointed," which is a small minority. (In 93, less than 0.0006% partaked according to I can't find the date for '06, but it's hard to imagine it's in October
Note that the group firmly believes in free will and not fate:
The group rejects the doctrine of predestination or fate, believing that all intelligent creatures are endowed with free will. ('s_ ... _salvation)
Now here's where it gets iffy. I've found links tying the Watchtower Society (particularly its founder Charles T. Russel) and the Illuminati (along with various Masonic links and ties to Satanism) and references to Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). (See ... odline.htm). Enochian is referenced as the language in ceremonies.
The links to the Mayflower are pretty weak here, other than the above-referenced article that mentions Russel and his father marrying two Ackley sisters, who are descendents of William Brewster, who came over on the Mayflower.This type of combination typifies so many of the elite who I have researched. In the Be Wise As Serpents book, chapter 1.11 discusses how the Satanism within the Illuminati and the Watchtower Society could be tracked by an understanding of Enochian magic. Readers may want to refer back to that chapter after reading this paragraph. The Illuminati operating within the Watchtower Society use the Enochian Language which has its own language and its own Enochian alphabet (letters in boxes). According to eyewitnesses who have left the J.W. part of the Illuminati, the Enochian alphabet is known and used as the cult language by those Illuminati operating in the high levels of the Watchtower Society. In other words, their ceremonies are done in this ritual Enochian language.
I'm not saying any of this is true or that there's anything wrong with Jehovah's Witnesses, believe me! Just some interesting links to read and consider. Note that Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe themselves to be Christian, and Bree said she is not Christian. (And consider that Thelema is perhaps a red herring.)
A side note:
Note that Bree's tags for her ceremony video referenced "confirmation" "bar mitzvah" and other coming of age references. Perhaps this is a baptism ceremony?In October 2002, a Jehovah's Witnesses gathering drew almost 90,000 followers to the Aztec Stadium in a three-day celebration of their faith. One thousand one hundred followers were baptized into the faith during the celebration.