Facility J [Drop Contents] - "Dei Sub Numine Viget"

Infiltrate the Order and explore the very foundations of this secret organization.

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Post by Luminous »

deagol wrote:From the little I've learned about characters coming forward with info that the PM isn't ready to give away yet, I think it's a lost case. If they were ready to tell us what the cure is, after the first 3 emails I think they would at least have thrown us a hint or a bone for us to gnaw on.

Walter will only talk about the cure when he's ready to.
Aww, Deag, way to spoil the fun ;) So you don't think I should've harangued the poor old man? Hope I didn't cause his pacemaker to skip :oops:
ignatzmouse wrote: Facility J: Will the last disgruntled employee to leave please destroy The Cure?
Love your quote!

NEWS FLASH: I just noticed I have a message in my inbox regarding the cure! BRB!
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Post by Luminous »

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Post by Luminous »

Profile Change:

The groundhog on the mountain did not run
But fatly scuttled into the splayed fern
And faced me, back to a ledge of dirt, to rattle
Her sallow rodent teeth like castanets
Against my leaning down, would not exchange
For that wary clatter sound or gesture
Of love : claws braced, at bay, my currency not hers.

Such meetings never occur in marchen
Where love-met groundhogs love one in return,
Where straight talk is the rule, whether warm or hostile,
Which no gruff animal misinterprets.
From what grace am I fallen. Tongues are strange,
Signs say nothing. The falcon who spoke clear
To Canacee cries gibberish to coarsened ears.

147 164 151 156 153 153 167 144 161 164 163 153 150 152 143 144 154 171 152 155 141 161 157 145

Edit: If this is octal, it translates to: gtinkkwdqtskhjcdlyjmaqoe
Last edited by Luminous on Sat Mar 24, 2007 11:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by blahblablee »

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Post by blahblablee »

Working on numbers this is what i got so far

Code: Select all

147 164 151 156 153 153 167 144 161 164 163 153 150 152 143 144 154 171 152 155 141 161 157 145
Text ----> dec/char

Code: Select all

49 52 55 32 49 54 52 32 49 53 49 32 49 53 54 32 49 53 51 32 49 53 51 32 49 54 55 32 49 52 52 32 49 54 49 32 49 54 52 32 49 54 51 32 49 53 51 32 49 53 48 32 49 53 50 32 49 52 51 32 49 52 52 32 49 53 52 32 49 55 49 32 49 53 50 32 49 53 53 32 49 52 49 32 49 54 49 32 49 53 55 32 49 52 53
Hex ----> Text

Code: Select all


Seems too patterned to be a coincidence
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Post by Luminous »

I took out the I's, ran it through the decoder as dec/char and got this in base64:


Starting to look alot like a DNA sequence :)

And this is what I get when I remove the Q's


Same sequence - strange. Well that looks like a dead end.
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Post by chershaytoute »

Okay, the cure is for men, right? (of course, we're not sure if it will effect all men, a genetically-altered subset of men...and whether it will cure by preventing a malady...or causing one)

But one thing that might indicate, well, something...

Has anyone asked Walter if he's taken it?

I'm assuming he hasn't, since he wants it destroyed, but then again, he may want to be the onliest person on Earth to benefit from it?
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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Post by Luminous »

By popular request, I just started a new thread to solve this here:

http://lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewtopic ... 431#280431
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Post by ignatzmouse »

Looks like Walter can spot a phoney when he reads one :-)
WalterDW wrote:Dear Sir,
I know when I am being pandered to. Do you think you can simply butter up the lonely old man and receive all of the information that you want? I will not fall for such chicanery. However, it is clear that you are rather perceptive. I watched as the accolades that should have been mine were bestowed upon my lesser peers. At any rate, you know what you need to know. If your colleagues do not trust me, they should not have started. What has begun can not now be abandoned.

ignatzmouse15 wrote:

> Dear Dr. Dabrowski,
> May I begin by saying what an honor it is to be working with one of...
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Post by chershaytoute »

Well, Walter has told both Lum and Mouse now that they're in it, like it or not, it seems... That has rather an ominous sound to it somehow...

blahblablee, great catch, finding the poet and name of poem... I think it's time for me to sit back and watch y'all again, cuz it's back to over-my-head time again, I'm betting... <sigh>
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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Post by deagol »

janesalteredstates wrote: Oh sure, whip out logic on us. :roll: :P
Alright, let us:

Suppose Walter is a one of those classic liars or truthtellers (or knights and knaves) from that weird island.

So, I would ask him, "what would be your answer if I asked you about your allegiance to The Order (for it / against it)?" Notice I'm asking a question that depends on the answer to another question.

If he's a truthteller, he would answer truthfully so whatever he says is the truth. He says he's with the order, then he is. He says he's against it, then fine, he's anti-order.

Now, if he's a liar (always has to lie, can't avoid it, don't ask me, that's how these things work), then he would lie about his allegiance if asked directly, so if I had asked him directly, he would say the opposite. But, since my question was about his answer and not his true allegiance, he can't answer with the opposite allegiance to that question, because, as I've shown, that would have been his actual answer and he would be telling the truth. Thus, in order to lie to my indirect question he would have to answer with his true allegiance!

Either case, regardless of him being a liar or a truthteller, whatever he says is his true allegiance!

Of course, he could be a spy and be able to choose to lie or tell the truth whenever he wants. :)
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Post by Ziola »


Sorry I couldn't post this sooner...I was working all day..
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Post by ignatzmouse »

Ziola wrote:Image

Sorry I couldn't post this sooner...I was working all day..
"A cure for mankind," hmm. Does sound like those hard-working chaps at Facility J have been keeping up with Y: The Last Man.
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Post by Ziola »

Well, this is what I sent back to him...(I have found that the role of village idiot helps to sometimes get them to be slightly more forthcoming :lol: )

Perhaps you could explain it a little more for me. I don't understand why you would destroy a cure for all mankind. I am not a scientist or mathematician and cannot understand why you would destroy that which could save us all.

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Post by chershaytoute »

Okay, how can something in so few vials cure all mankind...and how is it to cure all mankind if we destroy it?

Why are we destroying it, if it will cure all mankind?
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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