SapereAudeo wrote:
The videos are for internal information within the Order. The raw footage is sent to some version of a processing place where the videos we see are cut and put to music to make understanding easier for the rest of the Order.
Why would that stuff make it easier to understand? Isn't all that's important here is that the golden child escaped, her pursuer was shot and she's apparently still free (and the footage wouldn't need music to convey that)? Why show random shots of scenery and then throw in unnecessary music? This is a time critical situation, no? They'd need to get on the ball in tracking her down, not edit a video for dramatic effect.
I agree with Lurker on this. Why would the Order need megashots of the desert?
Obviously, the editing is meant to make the vid entertaining for us, but as far as what would happen in RL, this isn't it.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
Shaneener wrote:Subjects implies Bree, DB, and Jonas. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut we dun see JJ or DB in the desert. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
FyodorReader wrote:
Chelseyrl wrote:
HisGirl wrote:Anyone else think bree might have been running out there alone as "bait" ?
Bait? Bait for what?
i thought that too.. in order for the "order" person to go out there and whoever was shooting could get a clear shot of 'em
The possibility I was thinking of was that maybe the teen trio knew they were being chased, so they set up a trap in which bree would run out in the open and the other two (or someone who was there to help) would attack the person following them....
Last edited by HisGirl on Sat Mar 31, 2007 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
FyodorReader wrote: twas thinking it was another order member who found the body and camera... how else could the order upload the private message vid?
Onewen wrote:Here is the screencap of what looks like a watcher at the end...for anyone who is interested in seeing it. Definately looks like one to me...but then whose side are they on??
maybe its jonas or daniel dressed in a watcher outfit? maybe they beat up two watchers and stole their clothes to blend and thats how they got out or maybe not look suspicious in the desert , theyd look like they were looking for "them" yeah im jsut rambling and not making sense......
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Oh. I thought it was a pair of socks. Which made me hope Jonas was still around there somewhere (he was barefoot in the last video).
Sadly, it was just a rug. The edge of it got rolled up in the previous video when Daniel woke up and when he was trying to wake Jonas up.