LONGTIMELURKER wrote:longlostposter wrote:Lurker wrote:SapereAudeo wrote:
The videos are for internal information within the Order. The raw footage is sent to some version of a processing place where the videos we see are cut and put to music to make understanding easier for the rest of the Order.
Why would that stuff make it easier to understand? Isn't all that's important here is that the golden child escaped, her pursuer was shot and she's apparently still free (and the footage wouldn't need music to convey that)? Why show random shots of scenery and then throw in unnecessary music? This is a time critical situation, no? They'd need to get on the ball in tracking her down, not edit a video for dramatic effect.
I agree with Lurker on this. Why would the Order need megashots of the desert?
Obviously, the editing is meant to make the vid entertaining for us, but as far as what would happen in RL, this isn't it.
Wouldn't horror movies and dramas be a bit boring w/ out mood music and set-up scenery ?(Think Psycho w/ out the music!) Think of this as a drama....
This isn't a magical window program, though. It's all supposed to be stuff that the characters in the story filmed. I got used to the music in the vlogs, even when it seemed odd that it would be there, but that was still something being uploaded by BD&J for a large audience and it seemed a little easier to swallow. These are supposed to be private transmissions that only the people back at base are going to see.
It seems really awkward that you've got all that random scenery footage and then the music when the only important things going on here are that Bree - the girl they dedicated 17 years to raising for this ceremony, whom they need because they're running out of time (by the interrogators' own admission), and whom they've been tailing, emotionally torturing and otherwise hounding for months - has escaped and there's somebody out in the desert that - even if they aren't on Bree's side - isn't on the Order's side either. And that person has a gun that they seem to be pretty good at using.
Instead of jumping straight to the point, though, and informing their superiors and colleagues of this
major development, they spent the time putting in cuts of the scenery and finding just the right moment to edit in the music for best dramatic effect. That's just plain weird.
mellie3204 wrote:These vids are still meant to be entertaining to an audiance and as such I think the creators have to take liberties with the format and we have to suspend disbelief a little to get something that's both entertaining and works as a fairly believeable medium.
True that it's all supposed to be entertainment and such, and I think we got used to this sort of thing from the main characters - though it was still strange when you stopped to think about it - but did any of us really expect this from the Order?
I'm expecting to see one of their members go get loaded at a bar over this, only for Katharine McPhee to bring him back to their base and ask "Do you guys film everything?"
giddeanx wrote:K wheh here is my usual list of thoughts. After I read all of that stuff.
1. The camera is head mounted this is the final proof. Weither it is in the sunglasses or just mounted like a nightvision scope. He needed both hands in the first video to take Jonas one to hold him the other to put the cloth on his mouth.
To be fair, if he was using both hands there, wouldn't he have tried pulling Jonas' right arm away from the cloth?
giddeanx wrote:2. Im pretty sure that a gun shot happened but something is odd about it. The bullet should have hit first and then we hear the report of the gun. Bullets travel at supersonic speeds to hear a report and then be hit is rediculous.
Speed of sound = 1128.6 fps
Average Bullet Speed (at 100 yds) = 2435.33 fps.
Average Bullet Speed (at 500 yds) = 1375 fps
I'm with romy on this one: Creators didn't think about that.
SapereAudio wrote:I ventured a theory to appease the latter viewpoint, although I think mellie and romy put things well (and I agree with them)
The same problem still applies there, though. It implies that the guys back at base spent the time doing all that editing instead of just saying "Ok, uh, guys - problem. Here's the 20 seconds of footage you need to see. Pretend you hear music if your attention span is that bad."