A small concern...

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A small concern...

Post by lonelyelendi »

Dear Bree,

I was thinking recently about the fact that there are so many eligible, attractive women on these forums. Also, it came to mind that many of these women also seem to be obsessed with Jonas. If my memory serves, Holly herself was holding out for some topless shots of Jonas.

I know that you check these forums from time to time. And I also remember Jonas and Daniel discussing the forums once in a video, yet to my memory Jonas has never come to the forums. Surely, he aware of his almost cult-following, and if he isn’t, perhaps you should direct him to his forum?

I should admit, however, my intentions are not simply to aid all the Jonas-crazy women in their quest for a top-less Jonas video, rather my decision to write to you was spurred by a comment you made: you told Jonas he needed to meet the right girl.

I doubt that Jonas would come on the forums searching for his dream girl, so it might be necessary for you to nudge him in the right direction. Also, the reason I bring this to you rather than directly to Jonas is that I did not wish to embarrass him, as his absence from the forums thus far might be a result of his shyness, and I do not think that I have enough of a rapport with him to overcome that.

I hope you are having fun in Mexico (even if you must spend your time with two rather immature boys)! Good luck!
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Post by Languorous Lass »

Bree, I'd like to add to Kenny's post a comment that I hope you open your mind to the possibility that Jonas may not be interested in girls/women. Frequently men who are attracted to men have a difficult time telling their friends about that fact, and it's especially difficult when their friends don't seem to consider that the possibility even exists.

This is not intended to be a snarky or smartass post, btw -- I'm completely serious. I'm a lesbian who realized I was gay when I was a teenager. I make it a point to try to make the world more welcoming for teens who may feel the way I did.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Of course, if he isn't gay, then encourage him to come on the forums and PM me. :wink:

Actually, even if he is gay, I'll take it.
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