Maddison Atkins [Discussion] Order Private Transmissions

Who is this new girl, and what's happening to shake the foundations of her normal life?

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Maddison Atkins [Discussion] Order Private Transmissions

Post by ignatzmouse »

Moving the discussion from the Immerse Myself new video forum...

To recap, Maddison's video Immerse Myself contains shots of her watching the adventures of the TAAG, but also contains shots of a video that isn't by the usual suspects:



I sent Maddison a youtube message asking her about this:
ignatzmouse15 wrote:To: maddisonatkins
Sent: April 13, 2007
Subject: Immerse Yourself
Dear Maddison,

I got a pointer to your videos from the lonelygirl15 forums, and I had a question about "Immerse Yourself". You're watching videos from Bree and the gang, most of which I recognize, but there's some I don't recall seeing. Here are a couple of screenshots so you can see the ones I'm talking about: ... merse1.jpg ... merse2.jpg

It looks like it might be surveillance footage of Bree and the boys. Perhaps this comes from their "lost week" after they left Vegas? Could it be that Mr Zipp set you up with a high privilege youtube account that has access to videos that we mere mortals can't see?

Any chance you could send me the info on these videos, like the video descriptions, etc? I'll pass it on to everyone else on the LG15 forums.

I hope you're not feeling too overwhelmed by all this recent excitement.

Best wishes,

I. Mouse.
and she replied:
maddisonatkins wrote:Sent: April 14, 2007
Subject: Re: Immerse Yourself
I don't know. Maybe. All I know is that the accounts were set up for me. I even had subscriptions in place when I got there.

If I have some sort of special account here, then I don't know how it was set up.

You know


ignatzmouse15 wrote:

> Dear Maddison,
> I got a pointer to your videos from the lonelygirl15 forums, and I had a...
I had another look at the video just now, and noticed the following:



so I sent Maddison another youtube message:
ignatzmouse15 wrote:To: maddisonatkins
Sent: April 14, 2007
Subject: Re: Re: Immerse Yourself
Hi Maddison,

I had another look at your video, and noticed a section I'd overlooked before, where you're watching a youtube video: ... merse3.jpg ... detail.jpg

The text isn't perfectly legible, but it looks like it says something like "Private Transmission/The Order". If so, this confirms my suspicion that Mr. Zipp set you up with a high-privilege youtube account, which has access to Order private communications. Wow!

Can you have a look to see if you can still see these videos? If so, is there any chance you can send me the video URLs, the youtube userid, and the video descriptions?

I realize I'm bugging you about this at a time when you've got other things on your mind, but this information could make a big difference.

- Ignatz.

maddisonatkins wrote:

> I don't know. Maybe. All I know is that the accounts were set up for me. I even had subscriptions...
I hope Maddison can find those videos. If not, I hope she can remember what was in them...

(OOG) These are the Private Transmission videos from the TAAG kidnapping. OOG we know all about them, but IG we have to feign ignorance. If we can get enough info out of Maddison about these videos, we may be able to fill B/D/J in on what happened in their lost week.

One thing I'm not sure about is whether this was deliberate or not: the private videos are very prominent (even the Private Transmission splash is shown!) but Madisson's answer is very cagey, and doesn't seem to me like a PM saying "ha ha you spotted my clever clue'.

I'm not sure how much to push on this, as there is a decent chance that this is just a continuity error, and I'm just causing a headache for the PM / Creators.

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Post by deagol »

Here's what I think. Maddy is nothing different than us. She's a viewer of LG15 like any of us, and as such, she can see all the LG15 videos, including the private ones we're "not supposed to see." She hasn't really said anything that makes her an in-game character of the LG15 universe. Her character is of someone who is part of our real universe, who was compelled to immerse herself in the LG community by some nutjob who thinks she may be in danger if she hasn't achieved enough notoriety in a week or so. The only reason she's taking this nutjob serious is because he knew all her passwords, and that's why she's not dismissing anything. Otherwise she would have ignored the note and we would've never heard from her. So, for all we know, she's looking at LG15 from outside the LG15 universe, and is aware that LG15 is fiction, but is also bound to the same "suspended disbelief" rule about the private transmissions from the order, just like us. The only difference from her and us is that someone is really stalking her, and that someone has a story that seems to fit within the LG15 universe. It could be a prank, it could be his friend Adam, it could be his weird uncle Bob trying to play with her mind, it could be there's a real worried parent with a real kid in a real situation that just happens to be similar to the fictional LG15 world, and they all see LG as fictional, but as it turns out, it's true that now Maddy has gained enough publicity that no real cult or secret organization would be able to get away with messing with her without us noticing. So that's my theory. If my theory's right, you could message her and ask her something like, "hey, don't you think that "Voltar" voice in that video was silly? as a film student, what would you have done differently to make it work, you know, make it creepy and stuff?" I bet she would simply answer and acknowledge seeing those as a viewer like any of us OOG. Or maybe she would answer tongue-in-cheek, "what are you talking about? I have no idea about some silly distorted voice and order-vision crazy guy kidnapping the TAAG, I didn't see Jonas chloroformed or laying drugged in a bathtub, and never saw anyone getting shot in the desert... ;) "

Sorry about the "stream of consciousness" paragraph there, but I'm not feeling like editing in some ¶s in there.
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Post by marlasinger »

OOG: I'll concur with deagol - and that's what draws me to maddy. she's a normal kid who is in OUR universe who has suddenly been sucked into the breeniverse...sort of like narnia or something.

perhaps, if these are new PMs and inexperienced PMs, they might want to either ignore or dodge questions (dodge HARD) that might ruin this for all of us. :\

Also, if it's not canon, would we really be able to justify telling the taag??
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Re: Maddison Atkins [Discussion] Order Private Transmissions

Post by crazcritrchic »

When you watch the Order videos on youtube, that's the opening screenshot. She's not seeing anything special that we can't. Hate to burst your bubble. So "Subjects Apprehended", "Psychological Torture", and "Communication Terminated" all start out like that along with a weird buzzing noise that sounds like the tuning of a radio before you get to the right station that has something playing on it.
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Post by deagol »

Craz, you didn't bust anyone's bubble. Mouse knows those are those videos. He even mentioned it in his post. His point is that you can't acknowledge seeing those "in-character". We're not supposed to have seen them and if Maddy's video is to be taken in-character, the implication is that her account has some special privilege that allows her to see the Order's private transmissions.

My point is that her character is not necessarily an in-characeter character within the LG universe.
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Post by crazcritrchic »

deagol wrote:Craz, you didn't bust anyone's bubble. Mouse knows those are those videos. He even mentioned it in his post. His point is that you can't acknowledge seeing those "in-character". We're not supposed to have seen them and if Maddy's video is to be taken in-character, the implication is that her account has some special privilege that allows her to see the Order's private transmissions.

My point is that her character is not necessarily an in-characeter character within the LG universe.

Forgive me. I still don't quite understand this whole in-character thing.
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Post by deagol »

crazcritrchic wrote: Forgive me. I still don't quite understand this whole in-character thing.
Yeah, I know it's confusing. The Creators wanted to tell a better story by using "private" communications between the characters. They did this with those three videos, labeled as status: private. The problem is, since this is supposed to be an interactive medium, they can't have anyone of us interacting with those characters and acknowledging that we saw those videos, since they were supposed to be private. They want us to pretend, when we interact with the characters in the LG universe, that we didn't see them. This is called suspension of disbelief, and is nothing different than what we all do when, for example, we pretend there's no investigation into the 3 killings that they've suggested have occurred, 2 of which have been caught on camera and witnessed by hundreds of thousands of us.
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Post by immortal1 »

deagol wrote:My point is that her character is not necessarily an in-characeter character within the LG universe.
By the same logic that she shouldn't be able to see Order private transmissions if she were "in character" she shouldn't post here in this section either. She should be posting in the Others section of the In Character section.

You're justification that she is not in the Breeniverse works for now but what if your wrong? The way that email reads it sure seems like a Breeniverse set up. I think in reality those were probably just the most recent videos at the time of the shoot and they didn't realize they were private.
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Post by marlasinger »

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Post by ignatzmouse »

(OOG) It seems like there's three possibilities:

a) Maddisonatikins is canon, in the Bree universe,
b) Maddisonatkins is non-canon, in a Bree universe spin-off,
c) Maddisonatkins is non-canon, in a universe where LG15 is fiction.

Until Deagol pointed it out, I'd not even considered (c). Oh, this in-character stuff is getting more and more complex...
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Post by deagol »

immortal1 wrote:
deagol wrote:My point is that her character is not necessarily an in-characeter character within the LG universe.
By the same logic that she shouldn't be able to see Order private transmissions if she were "in character" she shouldn't post here in this section either. She should be posting in the Others section of the In Character section.
Nikky B seems to have no problem posting in other OOC sections of the forum, right? Not sure if she's always OOC when she does though.
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Post by immortal1 »

deagol wrote:
immortal1 wrote:
deagol wrote:My point is that her character is not necessarily an in-characeter character within the LG universe.
By the same logic that she shouldn't be able to see Order private transmissions if she were "in character" she shouldn't post here in this section either. She should be posting in the Others section of the In Character section.
Nikky B seems to have no problem posting in other OOC sections of the forum, right? Not sure if she's always OOC when she does though.
Good point. Gets a little sticky doesn't it?
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Post by ignatzmouse »

If we wanted to cause more headaches, we could point out to TFW that Mr Zipp appears to have access to Order Private material, and see what they say. Anyone on the TFW friendslist want to stir up trouble?
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Post by Benjerman »

well I thought this was strange.... Image
1 video watched.... kinda strange...
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Post by ohhhmyyygoddd »

you dont HAVE to be logged in to watch videos so maybe she only watched one video while logged in
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