Breepop wrote:I doubt all the focus is going anywhere. It seems to me that they're just brinding this "new girl" in so that Bree can help her steer away from the Order and stuff. They're just looking for something new to do.
Well, considering that they just lost almost half of their primary supporting cast, can you blame them?
Anyway, I think it could prove to be a good direction to go in, and it may not even be that far removed from what they were thinking about doing previously. We'd finally started to get the more grown up Bree we wanted for so long before that catastrophe. This seems like a natural evolution for her character - to become like Tachyon. It's what she wanted and what we wanted.
Of course, they'll need to explain what made the Order decide to give up on Bree, and why that didn't happen sooner. As long as they can answer that well, then this particular plot direction isn't bad at all, really. At least not to me.
ETA: Since the new page started so quick, I want to repeat this to make sure the Creators and Jess see it.
I wrote:I just realized that since I hated Bree more than anyone in the past, I should probably admit that I like her now. She's grown up, but still has her sense of humor and can act appropriately in both light and serious situations.
And Jess' acting has either improved even more or this new take on the character allows her to express more personality. Either way, though, good stuff.