[14:39] * maddison watches as the masters work
[14:40] <aja> maybe this is a stretch... but, follow me for a sec
[14:40] <aja> what if "wiggins quote c. 1860" refers to his inclusions of yankle doodle in one of his songs written in 1861 = doodle
[14:40] <deagol> aja do you have a link for that?
[14:42] <aja> here's the info about the song:
[14:44] <edgyprophet> what about stray letters.. like the e.. on the black mr. zipp note
[14:44] <maddison> what e
[14:44] <edgyprophet> it's kind of grey
[14:45] <edgyprophet> mr zipp and the letters is in white
[14:45] <edgyprophet> it's a fancy e
[14:46] <maddison> the big one
[14:46] <edgyprophet> yeah
[14:46] <maddison> Giant E looking thing
[14:46] <aja> the ampersand?
[14:46] <maddison> It = And
[14:46] <maddison> as in Mr Zipp & The Letters"
[14:46] <maddison> That's my though edgy
[14:47] <edgyprophet> your probably right maddy.. just trying find anything that sticks out
[14:47] <maddison> no - it's good
[14:47] <maddison> Let's ask every question
[14:48] <maddison> potty break brb
[15:23] <aja> maddy, did you read what I said earlier about the drawings possibly not meaning anything? do think that's a possibility?
[15:24] <maddison> What you said early was really cool
[15:24] <maddison> ....
[15:24] <maddison> tell me again.
[15:24] <maddison> :-Z
[15:24] <aja> one sec, I'm going to copy and paste
[15:25] <aja> [14:40] <aja> what if "wiggins quote c. 1860" refers to his inclusions of yankle doodle in one of his songs written in 1861 = doodle [14:40] <deagol> aja do you have a link for that? [14:41] <aja> eh... one sec, let me find it again [14:42] <aja> here's the info about the song:
[15:25] <maddison> I remember now
[15:26] <maddison> ok
[15:26] <maddison> Here are my thoughts
[15:26] <maddison> In 1860, Blind Tom was a kid right
[15:26] <maddison> He was like 10 or 11
[15:27] <aja> yeah
[15:27] <maddison> and somebody here found that music
[15:27] <maddison> with a "Yankee Doodle" quote
[15:27] <maddison> right
[15:27] <maddison> a musical quote
[15:28] <aja> yes - the "Battle at Manassas"
[15:28] <aja> it had yankee doodle in it
[15:28] <maddison> I listened to part of that today
[15:28] <maddison> And you guys were also saying that Empty House was a response to Final Check
[15:29] <maddison> or it could be one
[15:29] <maddison> right?
[15:29] <aja> yeah, we weren't sure
[15:29] <maddison> me neither
[15:29] <maddison> so
[15:29] <maddison> That would make this second section
[15:29] <maddison> "Wiggins Quote c. 1860 a response
[15:29] <maddison> to...
[15:30] <maddison> Sketchy timbre neets clarity
[15:30] <aja> that what I think, yes
[15:30] <maddison> So Mr. Zipp is quoting a doodle?
[15:30] <aja> maybe
[15:30] <aja> that song has other quotes in it other than yankee doodle
[15:30] <maddison> I think that makes more sense than everything we've said
[15:31] <maddison> but he'd be talking about the sketches to respond to our letter. Right?
[15:31] <aja> yeah
[15:31] <edgyprophet> hmm its scetchy
[15:31] <maddison> lol
[15:31] <edgyprophet> but maybe
[15:32] <maddison> aja - I think that you made a smart observation
[15:32] <maddison> It makes a lot of sense to me
[15:32] <marlasinger> I agree.
[15:32] <aja> so we think they're just doodles
[15:32] <maddison> quotes of doodles
[15:33] <marlasinger> Either way. (lurking as usual) I think we've hit something here.
[15:34] <marlasinger> i'm teasing. Anyway, Maddison, I think this makes sense in a lot of ways
[15:34] <aja> but what about the rest - the "6 broken strings" ?
[15:34] <maddison> me too
[15:34] <maddison> but what about the rest of the message
[15:34] <edgyprophet> i think the thing about the 6 pages and muting them makes sense
[15:35] <maddison> But it doesn't respond to what we asked
[15:35] <edgyprophet> dont focus on the pages but maybe the scales
[15:35] <marlasinger> it's the "broken" that is confusing me
[15:35] <marlasinger> you don't have to mute broken strings
[15:35] <marlasinger> they're broken.
[15:35] <aja> but if it's in response to the april 25 questions, then it doesn't make sense
[15:35] <edgyprophet> maybe they are people
[15:35] <maddison> well. It does make sense, but it's not good news
[15:35] <edgyprophet> mute 6 people
[15:36] <marlasinger> 6 broken strings...broken links...broken voices
[15:36] <edgyprophet> people you cant trust
[15:36] <marlasinger> strings make sound, usually, but when broken they are disfunctional
[15:36] <marlasinger> a guitar that has six broken strings makes no music.
[15:36] <aja> so... we asked about april 25, and asked for feeback and the response is "6 broken strings: Mute them"
[15:37] <maddison> maybe
[15:37] <maddison> That's what we are working through.....
[15:37] <edgyprophet> well we know mr. zipp said we have 15 days until the correspondance is traced abck to him and maddy right
[15:37] <edgyprophet> which is the 25th
[15:37] <maddison> yes - in theory
[15:38] <marlasinger> ...tomorrow.
[15:38] <maddison> got it - the 25th is tomorrow
[15:38] <maddison>
[15:38] <marlasinger> Maddison, I'm sorry to say. I'm not excited in a good way about tomorrow.
[15:38] <maddison> me neither
[15:39] <edgyprophet> i think maybe he wats you to meet him before everybody knows
[15:40] <maddison> maybe edgy, but I just can't see how it says that
[15:40] <edgyprophet> well all of the clues have pointed to a musical event .. sond check fill the house.. etc
[15:41] <maddison> But all the talk has been figurative
[15:41] <edgyprophet> maybe it's literal
[15:41] <maddison> and coded
[15:41] <maddison> Maybe
[15:41] <maddison> If all this ends up where I get to go to a big concert, then
[15:41] <maddison> you won't hear me complaining
[15:41] <aja> six broken strings - 1) is this thing on 2) check one 3) good check 4) fill the house 5) no audience 6) no curtain call
[15:41] <aja> ???
[15:41] <aja> maybe?
[15:42] <maddison> unless it's Clay Aiken
[15:42] <marlasinger> LOL
[15:42] <aja> lol maddy
[15:42] <canadas_baby> eww clay
[15:42] <edgyprophet> maybe he needs you to tell everyone about his message
[15:42] <maddison> lol
[15:42] <maddison> those are the six drops. Right Aja
[15:42] <aja> those are the messages that came out of the guitar tabs
[15:43] <maddison> Curtain Call comes after the show
[15:43] <maddison> Mr. Zipp didn't mention the show at all
[15:43] <edgyprophet> he has in metaphor
[15:44] <maddison> remind me Edgy
[15:44] <edgyprophet> well with the guitar tabs
[15:44] <marlasinger> no curtain call means no end to the show?
[15:44] <edgyprophet> it a sequence of events that only happen at shows
[15:44] <aja> but there's no show even mentioned
[15:44] <maddison> Curtain Call means no bows
[15:45] <maddison> Thank you high school drama
[15:45] <Sami^> no audience- noone gets his message... No curtion call - it will not end
[15:46] <edgyprophet> that makes sense
[15:46] <aja> so if we think the six broken strings are the messages we got from the drops - how do we "mute them" ?
[15:47] <Sami^> Or that Zipp is the one who's mute
[15:47] <maddison> I don't think that AJA - I think it's more likely a response to our message
[15:47] <marlasinger> Well, the sequence itself can apply to any event, staged or not
[15:47] <maddison> about the 25th
[15:47] <marlasinger> it just describes a beginning middle and end
[15:47] <maddison> Well why would you need a curtain call if their wasn't an audience
[15:49] <marlasinger> let's think. beginning middle and end, and yet no curtain call - so no applause, perhaps? no final standing ovation?
[15:49] <edgyprophet> i thought it was no audience no curtain call.. as in if you cant get the massage out this won't end
[15:50] <marlasinger> that doesn't tell us what she has to DO
[15:50] <maddison> we didn't ask what I should do?
[15:50] <maddison> right
[15:51] <maddison> we should of
[15:51] <marlasinger> but he must have told us somewhere what she has to do - otherwise, what's the point of using her as a mic
[15:51] <marlasinger> a mic is useless unless you have something to SAY out of it
[15:51] <marlasinger> and currently, my friends, maddison has nothing to actually say.
[15:51] <edgyprophet> maybe he has told you what to do .. we are just missing it
[15:51] <maddison> I did put myself out there as loud and microphone-ish as I could
[15:53] <marlasinger> I know this is awful and pessimistic, I jut want you to be prepared.
[15:53] <maddison> Car is ready
[15:53] <maddison> Bags are packed
[15:53] <maddison> I'm ready for the worse
[15:54] <maddison> worst
[15:54] <marlasinger> Okay.
[15:54] <marlasinger> Also, make sure you have Adam in case you need him.
[15:54] <marlasinger> Someone, anyway.
[15:54] <Sami^> Maddison, have do you think Zipp knew your password? What if he's someone you know!?
[15:54] <maddison> Adam said he'd come
[15:54] <maddison> It may be somebody I know
[15:54] <maddison> How could I know that though
[15:55] <marlasinger> then he's gotta be able to reach you by foot
[15:55] <edgyprophet> you could put a cam outside you door
[15:55] <maddison> I thought of that-
[15:55] <maddison> I'll set it up tonight
[15:55] <marlasinger> Good job Maddison.
[15:55] <maddison> Adam and I have been re-recording over the same hadful of tapes
[15:57] <maddison> All of the pigeons had to be planted
[15:57] <edgyprophet> or trained
[15:57] <maddison> both of them I mean
[15:57] <edgyprophet> to know your home
[15:57] <marlasinger> Right, it only makes sense. Planting a pigeon would be making it look like you're far away
[15:58] <edgyprophet> maddison did you see that thing about jules having pigeons
[15:58] <maddison> At first, I didn't know how homing pigeons worked
[15:58] <maddison> Yeah - I saw that
[15:58] <maddison> I don't know her
That's all I got for now.