callmejules24 - "Field Trip" [4-22-07]

Is Julia the "new girl"? What role does she play?

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Post by avalon_usagi »

canadachick25 wrote:I usually lurk, but I just had to post and say her French is AWFUL.

You'd think with all the time she spends "studying" languages, she'd learn at least the basic principles of the language.
(I'm Canadian too! :D )

I know...I had better French in grade four! And her German is horrendous. This girl should have done proper research before her character was supposed to have been learning these languages.

Post by Lurker »

I'm beginning to wonder if maybe the point with the mistakes in the various languages is meant to infer that they're a cover for the unnamed language she's also been learning (which some believe to be Enochian). Maybe she doesn't even realize she's making mistakes and has been taught poorly.
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Post by robtomorrow »

tweeface wrote:
canadachick25 wrote:I usually lurk, but I just had to post and say her French is AWFUL.

You'd think with all the time she spends "studying" languages, she'd learn at least the basic principles of the language.
Basically I only took French 2 semesters in college (failed the 2nd) and even *I* know it's terrible. And she doesn't know how to pronounce anything.
I lived in France for three years, I learned French, but was never really fluent. I had to play this over and over four times until I realized she was trying to say "bon apres midi". I think it is evendent she has never set foot in a French class.
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Post by mousegirl »

I think it is a well knwn fact that the little sister is cute.
I haven't been to the body-works thing, but I heard about it.
It is a pretty cool thing

I still don't think Jules is all that great of an actress.
I mean, sure she is cute, but still
Cute doesn't cover it

But it does seem like she is home schooled
I mean her father is making her write that essay.
I mean, you could kind of tell because she is forced to learn all these lang. but yeah...

and I don't even speak French
and I can tell it is bad.
I have friends who speak it, that is all
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Post by onsweetavenue »

The fact is you don't just start learning languages by learning phrases. You're told how to pronounce individual words first, adn there is focus on how to say each word.

it's a little too clear that Jules doesn't have that background.

But I'm willing to overlook that.

it's the acting that bothers me.
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Post by islandlove »

i like her sister

thats about it
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Post by mymindislost »

I think the exhibit she actually went to is Body Worlds. She said "Body Worlds" specifically in the video.

Even more specifically, I think she went to this one in Dallas, TX.

In the video, Jules mentioned a ballet dancer, a guy playing soccer, and a guy on a horse. I have been to the Body Worlds exhibit that is currently in Dallas and all of those figures are there.

Therefore, I believe Jules lives in the Dallas/Fort Worth area in Texas.
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Post by je_sais_cequisetrame »

robtomorrow wrote:
tweeface wrote:
canadachick25 wrote:I usually lurk, but I just had to post and say her French is AWFUL.

You'd think with all the time she spends "studying" languages, she'd learn at least the basic principles of the language.
Basically I only took French 2 semesters in college (failed the 2nd) and even *I* know it's terrible. And she doesn't know how to pronounce anything.
I lived in France for three years, I learned French, but was never really fluent. I had to play this over and over four times until I realized she was trying to say "bon apres midi". I think it is evendent she has never set foot in a French class.
Dear God, I KNOW!

I studied French in France for a while and was pretty fluent, and while it's been a few years since I had a reason to really use it, I also had to play the beginning of the video over and over again to understand her.

Are the creators truly behind this? Do they want her to seem stupid?

Because it seems irrational that her Dad cares so much about her learning languages and yet she clearly doesn't even know how to begin pronouncing French.

Ooooh... as if I didn't hate her already... now I can't stand her at all, lol. I'm very dramatic about my french pronounciation.
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Post by Jester »

islandlove wrote:i like her sister

thats about it
I second that.
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Post by Inigo »

I think she lives in the Seattle area because I was there a week ago and in Vancouver, which is nearby, the bodies exhibition was on display.

And her sister seems to be a better actor, maybe because she wasnt acting at all
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Post by kellylen »

haha awww guys i love jules.

i think i love her sister even more. Can we have her sister be the new girl? It would provide for some good entertainment.

jules is young i presume and is trying to teach herself languages. either that or shes using an online translator
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Post by HisGirl »

I confess, I was such a geek in Jr. High that I checked out a book from the library and "taught myself French"... sounded much like this. AWFUL!

When I went to France years later, I was shocked to find NONE of the phrases I used from the book were useful... fancy that!

If she's being homeschooled, maybe her parents are just teaching her from a book? Much like I'd have to if I had to homeschool my kids (Heaven forbid!) and teach them Japanese or something?


edit to add: kel, I just saw your post after mine went up... didn't mean to hork your thoughts about being self taught, sry :)
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Post by mousegirl »

ummm.. Body Worlds is in a lot of different places.

on her myspace, it does say she lives in Texas though.
Also, she brings up her french in her blog
So I don't know if that means anything.

She could have heard them from movies and such....
but it seems, from her blog, that all she does is watch videos on youtube
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Post by mushab00m »

she's speaking french???

I've been taking french formally for five years and I thought she was speaking SPANISH with a really bad accent.
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Post by foblovesme »

mymindislost wrote:I think the exhibit she actually went to is Body Worlds. She said "Body Worlds" specifically in the video.

Even more specifically, I think she went to this one in Dallas, TX.

In the video, Jules mentioned a ballet dancer, a guy playing soccer, and a guy on a horse. I have been to the Body Worlds exhibit that is currently in Dallas and all of those figures are there.

Therefore, I believe Jules lives in the Dallas/Fort Worth area in Texas.

ohhh thats in chicago too, i hope shes from chicago, haha just beacuse i live right by it and everythings been in califorina/mexcio, GRR haha
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