spaciegirlreturn wrote:Sometimes though, even when we don't mean to be mean...or we're not trying to be mean, our comments are interpreted as mean.
Like you're usually not
trying to be at least a little bit incisive.
spaciegirlreturn wrote:I would still value an honest comment even if it happened to be "mean" over a similar comment that is masked in frilly nice-ness, but that's just a personal preference.
And yet most of your well-intentioned comments would seem to be masked in elaborate negativity.
spaciegirlreturn wrote:I guess what I'm getting at is that being overly nice is just as stupid as being overly mean ultimately.
And you come off as being overly mean ultimately, which is just as bad as being overly nice ultimately. What people are trying to tell you is that you don't have to be either if you don't want.
spaciegirlreturn wrote:A seperate point, and I'm done after this I swear: I obviously like humor a lot..and most things that are really funny are mean on some level.
But many of your mean comments are not funny at all, they're just mean.
spaciegirlreturn wrote:OwenIsCool wrote:Communities (online and not) are built on mutual respect and honesty.
Heehe. Yeah, right.
See what I mean? Backhanded, yes. Funny, no.
spaciegirlreturn wrote:That's not why I was calling him high (which, by the way, was not literal..but god for bid anyone is sarcastic around here)
zomg no way! It was just figurative? You mean you were just referring to the delusionally content state of mind that characterizes people who have been smoking a psychoactive product of the plant Cannabis sativa? I prefer my mean comments not masked in any frilly complicated sarcasm, thanks.
spaciegirlreturn wrote:I think my idea of respect is obviously vastly different than yours or his..for many reasons.
spaciegirlreturn wrote:Ok really. I'm done.
Ok, if you say so. Actually, I'm done too, maybe I'll be back in another four months, since I almost never read the forums anymore and rarely really post here. You do have a sense of humor, sometimes you really make me LOL, but I don't like it when it's at the expense of overworked mods or people who just want to have some fun making a video. I have also been vocal (elsewhere) about my dislike for Jules, and I think the c's could use that feedback (if they ever really listen to it).
I know a lot of this probably came across as personal, but I don't really know you and was just using your replies as a case study (if you will), and my comments were intended for anybody who shares similar black-or-white, mean-or-hypocritical outlooks on the subject of feedback. I expect they may be taken personally anyway, but since I already wasted my time writing it, well what the heck.
I've been around the LGpedia for months, but I'm new at the forum. If you have any wiki related questions, feel free to ask. But leave the forum questions to me!