"Hate" is a strong word. But not strong enough. Let's go with "abhor," "detest" or "loathe."kittenishtrance wrote:Wow, you really hate Bree!!Lurker wrote:Well, Taylor's canon, as suspected. I'm glad of that. I like Taylor and I'd be interested in seeing what they'll do with her.
It's also good that Bree's telling us a little bit about the Order - but goddammit! How long have we been asking the bitch to spill what we she knows? All these months in which we asked her stuff, Daniel asked her stuff, they got kidnapped, chased, etc., etc., the only information the idiot was sitting on was the name of her religion and the fact that more of its followers live outside the communes than live in them? And she acted like she knew shit?
I think you misunderstood. All of these guys want Bree to do the ceremony. Probably all of them don't give a shit about her or her friends either (we've certainly seen a Watcher take a swing at Jonas, and he didn't seem interested in explaining that he was there to help if that's what he was doing). The only difference seems to be that some people within the Order think that Bree has to do the ceremony of her own free will, while others don't.gjtko2007 wrote:At least certain things got a little more clarified (such as the Watchers being not bad guys ...
Really, the Watcher who shot the guy in the desert wasn't trying to save Bree. He was just trying to make sure she's not forced into the ceremony.
It's probably safe to say that they're going to read this thread. In any case, Bree's the bitch. They just write her as one. I'll continue to direct my scorn at the manifestation of those characteristics that make my skin crawl (a.k.a. "Bree"), thank you.gjtko2007 wrote:As for Lurker's rant, if you want someone to yell at, go yell at the Creators.
Did you read my post? I didn't say that she doesn't watch the other girls (though that's apparently the case, for a number of reasons). I said she asks us for help and then ignores what we tell her.gjtko2007 wrote:Bree has stated in the in-character forums that she has been watching the other girls. Link to the thread this came from:
She asked us if we'd been watching Taylor's videos ... w.t.f.
No. She has absolutely nothing else to be doing since she's seemingly not interested in looking through the bunker. Hell, even if she were doing that, all of us - who have school, jobs, etc. - have payed attention to all of these new girls, and we don't have to investigate this stuff out of fear for our lives or someone else's.gjtko2007 wrote:The reason she didn't seem to know about Taylor's connection was because either she got behind in her investigative work, or is just using the forum for info just like before. Yes, we've all been telling her about Taylor, but you can't be expecting Bree to be actively checking out every possible candidate personally (she doesn't have enough time and/or energy), so cut her some slack ...
That's probably true. Still, it was done in an extremely lame manner where Taylor is concerned.DoktorBob wrote:Considering they have many more fans who are not part of the forums, most of the info they mention is probably for the benefit of the majority who are not forum posters or readers.