Sami wrote:... smart move having Jessica post a comment, creatros
How dumb do they think we are?
I don't understand why everyone shuts up and starts kissing rings when the creators post, or BK posts? What is up with that?
Last edited by longlostposter on Tue May 01, 2007 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
I think some of the arguments like "we can't have action packed videos every week!" are almost strawmen arguments.
Because I don't know anyone who's saying that.
I like silly videos. I like videos where there is plotting for action. I like funny videos. And I like action videos. And character development.
I do not like videos where nothing happens - literally. Where daniel and jonas go through 3 videos trying to figure out what happened to them that night and basically get nowhere and the video's aren't too funny either. but all in all, that will happen sometimes and that's okay.
The main criticisms as I see it are Jules and Taylor. I like taylor, but I know others don't. While both may rise to meet the challenge, I can't help wondering why some obviously young girls on the forum are able to make more interesting videos and plots and characters than Jules and Taylor. We'll let it develop though.
Now that Maddison's gone I don't really care anymore, to be honest.
Everything I'd like to say has been said ten times already by someone who said it ten times better than I would have, but I'll state that I completely agree with Lurker and Juli on this. :]
I don't like Bree anymore.
-There are plot holes, and then there are plot ABYSSES.-
I think Lurker has become my hero. Most of what people have said here I agree with, but there is one little point...
We've all complained here that the team ignore our advice. Creators, it is very true and I understand your feelings of wanting to stick to canon and not address non-canon work. But we need something. Ignoring non-canon makes us spin our wheels and get angrier and angrier. A real girl in trouble wouldn't ignore the posters talking to her. She'd answer them. If it's in the negative, so be it. I have no problem with that as long as there is some response.
We can refrain from talking Tachyon and Brother (mostly) IC, we know they're verboten. We don't know about Zodiac of Denderah or Luca or a key in a secret cupboard bottom. Would it have been too much to ask to have Daniel say, "We looked for a secret storage place, but nothing turned up."
Susan wrote:We don't know about Zodiac of Denderah or Luca or a key in a secret cupboard bottom. Would it have been too much to ask to have Daniel say, "We looked for a secret storage place, but nothing turned up."
To the Creators,
I, personally, don't care if BDJ would've sat in that bunker for weeks... it's not the locations or the "action" that is lacking. The *STORY* is lacking. Bree posted almost entirely from her bedroom for MONTHS... You could've very easily used that location for a month and given out pieces of information pertinent to the Order or the history of the "religion". Shoot. You could've had Bree talk about growing up and the places she she was educated (beyond, "I'm homeschooled.")... were there things in her past, memories perhaps, that now seem interesting to her? THAT is the sort of stuff that I, and I imagine many others, are really interested in. Give us some deep character development. Give us some insights.
You guys developed a great character in Bree. But, have you guys ever sat down and wrote out a really thourough background/history for her character? Because, from my vantage point, it appears that you guys have no direction and no past. The whole "Daniel and Jonas-try-to-get-their-memories-back" theme was so frustrating because I'm sitting here going... "STOP! We all saw Vegas!" And, as others have pointed out, it doesn't even make sense for Daniel and Jonas to be so focused on that incident. They know enough to know they were drugged and chased, ending in their captor being shot. Done deal.
More pressing questions:
WHAT DID BREE'S DAD TELL HER? - we got hosed on that! Bree has never really gone into detail about that. I think we saw one video where she was kind of weepy (rightfully so) and saying that she was upset about the fact that that wasn't her biological dad... but, then she hints about "more" and never tells us. *frustration level rises*
WHAT WAS IN THE FRICKEN BUNKER? - hosed again! *frustration level rising*
WHAT DID LUCY TEACH BREE? - hosed! And, that's historical hosing since that happened, it seems like, eons ago!
WHAT DID JONAS FIND IN THE ATTIC (at the cabin)? - @(*&#)(!&*
WHEN BREE WENT HOME, after the order took her folks, WHAT DID THAT NOTE SAY (from Thanksgiving)?
WHAT DID THE DEACONS SAY/DO THE NIGHT OF THE FAKE CEREMONY?'s these sorts of questions that I care about, and that's just a smattering of stuff I wanna' know about Bree!! Daniel and Jonas, and the gang, all raise other unanswered questions.
The answers to these questions shouldn't derail your plot or ruin the story...if they do, then your story is weak. My reaction to the last few months is like the kid in the backseat of the car on a really long car ride ("Are we there yet?"). Only, unlike the kid in the car, we have no fricking clue if the destination exists....AND YOU'RE NOT PULLING OVER FOR POTTY BREAKS OR SNACKS!
Stop with the excuses as to this being a new medium. It's not THAT new. People have been podcasting and vlogging/blogging fiction for a while. Your production needs weren't large in the beginning and the story ROCKED! Why fix what wasn't broken?