That picture is freakin hilarious! That poor animal
By the ay Kassia, you have to stop posting such good pictures of jackson, I'm supposed to be doing an assignment due in 4 hours...its very distracting
How are you all this...well i guess it'd be almost lunchtime for you guys? no? Its 1:43 am here.
I know! The poor widdle hedgehog has some kind of parastitical infection which is why it looks so....wrong.
hahha well I was talking to Jackson this morning and then he decided to post new pics and I was like WOAH so I put them up here. I do have to admit that he is not bad looking.
1:43 AM????? Why are you still awake? It's 8:45 AM here.
Particular wrote:Cloud, I think we should get married. It'd be perfect. I love coffee, you don't. We'd never argue ever.... well not coffee related arguments anyway
(sprry, im in a silly mood tonight, overtired and buzzed on caffiene)
Particular wrote:Cloud, I think we should get married. It'd be perfect. I love coffee, you don't. We'd never argue ever.... well not coffee related arguments anyway
(sprry, im in a silly mood tonight, overtired and buzzed on caffiene)
sorry, but im already taken... kinda.
~Commander of the LG15 Defense Force
I'm Ziola's Little Brother. My big sister is getting married!!
Well its a lovely little thing I like to call procrastination... I have 4 hours to do an assignment I've had for 4 weeks. Stupid Stupid me. Anyways.....I really liked the pic where he's standing next to that window or whatever, don't know why, but its really different.
Particular wrote:Cloud, I think we should get married. It'd be perfect. I love coffee, you don't. We'd never argue ever.... well not coffee related arguments anyway
(sprry, im in a silly mood tonight, overtired and buzzed on caffiene)
sorry, but im already taken... kinda.
Awwww Oh well, I tried Have fun at work!! *huggles Cloud*
Particular wrote:Well its a lovely little thing I like to call procrastination... I have 4 hours to do an assignment I've had for 4 weeks. Stupid Stupid me. Anyways.....I really liked the pic where he's standing next to that window or whatever, don't know why, but its really different.
Finally a new vid, YAY! *runs around in circles*
good luck on your assignment!
my brother is one helluva hottie.