0187- "It's Not Kidnapping" [5/07/07]

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Post by Hippie »

Lurker wrote:
Hippie wrote:WAIT... THEY ALL ARE MANICALLY BI-POLAR!!! THATS IT... thats the only reasonable answer for such mood swings! :D
What, they get really happy and go kidnap people?

I don't think this was all that unbelievable. But I seem to be in a minority on that one.
No, they are real happy, then get ruthless and go kidnap people, or they pull a gun on a family member, and then have the mindset of an angel, THAT is how they are ALL bi-polar!! hopefully that clears that up 4 ya!

and if you believe its not unbelieveable (i mean crazier shi* has happened) then you must admit its a rather retarded move, and a bit irrational and unthoughtful on their parts...

Post by Lurker »

Well, I agree that it's a stupid move, but I don't know that I agree that it's irrational or unthoughtful (in the normal sense of thinking). In the purest sense of logical thinking, it's probably irrational to even try to benefit someone else at your own expense — but I'm sure there's all people we'd do that for ("To live is like to love — all reason is against it, and all healthy instinct for it"), and some of us would do it for strangers — so you can't always rely on just that.

I think that's what's going on here. Only Bree and Daniel (if not Jonas, as well, considering that he drove them there, knowing what the plan was, and proceeded to go along with it) saw doing this thing that would terrify the girl as their only way of helping her in the long run. Now, I can't say if that was the best choice, but I do think — given what they had to go on about her, and what they knew for certain about the Order — that this won't rack them up any bad karma.
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Post by Particular »

tailortaru wrote:Ice breakers gum, the official sponsor of "What the f*** is going on in this story!?"

if the next video isn't entitled "it's a murder" then I'm out for sure.
Okay, so I haven't read all of the posts in this thread yet, but I just had to say....

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH *continuous manical laughter* That is freakin hilarious! I almost fell out of my chair reading that :D

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by hollyxmas »

I really liked this video! I would much rather have this then a boring filler video.
When I first watched it I had the same reaction of a lot a people.
"OMG are they crazy?! stupidstupidstupid idea!"
But not that I think about, what else could they have done?
Even if they tried knocking on her door and calmly explain things, I doubt she would listen. They tried contacting her already but nothing has worked. And unless I'm mistaken, they don't really have that much time to slowly build her trust.
I dunno why, but I think this is gonna work out... [-o<
RIP Maddy and Adam :smt089
I miss the normal not with the HoO Bree. :(
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Post by Renegade »

This series just soooooooooooooooooooooooo jumped the shark... :roll:
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Post by Particular »

I liked this vid, even if it was a stupid thing to do. Loved Jonas' scenarios, very cute :)

We all know Bree is crazy, but what the hell was Daniel thinking? And where were the sisters? I wonder if the know?
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Post by selena »

nickaflick wrote:Seriously, I read the title and I was like "WTF, guys? At what point did this plan sound good?"
:lol: ... I can just imagine how that conversation went...

B: Sooooo... we'll wait until her parents leave and then we'll, like, burst in and she'll be all like, yeah sure i'll come with you.

D&J look at each other and look back at B.

J: I don't think so.

D: Seriously Bree, it's not like your first conversation with her went very well.

B: Okay then, if she doesn't want to talk to us... ummmmm... one of us can, like, grab her or something.

J: Grab her?

B: Yeah, you know... grab her. I don't know. *turns to Jonas* Don't we have some of those zip ties left over from the... ummm... cabin incident... thingy...?

J shakes head disbelievingly.

D: So that's the plan then... "Grab her."

B: Yeah...? *blinks eyes and smiles hopefully*

D&J look at each other again.

D: Great! I'm in!

B: Woo hoo!

J: Oy.
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Post by tailortaru »

I just got up and I'VE FIGURED IT OUT!!!

They're really advertizing for "Crazy Bob's Discount Kink"!!!

It makes so much sense!!!

Good job creators!

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Post by fsk282 »

i've gotta say, they are CRAZY but it was nice to have a video with just the original 3. i'm not such a fan of the new girls (taylor and sara).
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Post by Luminous »

Hippie wrote:
Lurker wrote:
Hippie wrote:WAIT... THEY ALL ARE MANICALLY BI-POLAR!!! THATS IT... thats the only reasonable answer for such mood swings! :D
What, they get really happy and go kidnap people?

I don't think this was all that unbelievable. But I seem to be in a minority on that one.
No, they are real happy, then get ruthless and go kidnap people, or they pull a gun on a family member, and then have the mindset of an angel, THAT is how they are ALL bi-polar!! hopefully that clears that up 4 ya!

and if you believe its not unbelieveable (i mean crazier shi* has happened) then you must admit its a rather retarded move, and a bit irrational and unthoughtful on their parts...
Of course it is "believeable". Yes, people are crazy, and historically, this is in character for the traumatic trio. No argument there.

What I find insane is that the writers actually imagined this stuff and chose to take the story in this direction, when instead they could have used the bunker as an opportunity to do some in depth investigation and provided us with some real plot and character development to move the story forward.

I find this new development contrived and pointless. I convinced now, more than ever, that we will never really get any answers to the plethora of unanswered questions they continue to inundate us with over the course of this series. Not like I've been expecting any - I gave up on that long ago, but still it's disappointing.
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Post by TOSG »

It's not kidnapping, it's Digiorno!
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Post by Luminous »

TOSG wrote:It's not kidnapping, it's Digiorno!
LMAO, Tosg!

All kidding aside, this video was definitely a bit Godfatheresque - I mean seriously - this is something you'd expect to see from the mob!
Last edited by Luminous on Tue May 08, 2007 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by imogene2004 »

I haven't read all 10 pages, I don't have time to right now, so I'm sure this has been said a million times, but I gotta say it too: BREE HAS LOST HER DAMN MIND!!!! And she took Daniel down with her, I liked him better as a drunk, now he's a kidnapper! And yes it is kidnapping! They've gone psycho. If I was Jonas I'd get the hell outta there, they are in way over there heads now.
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Post by Pllora »

Well I guess we know why Jules hasnt posted anything on her Myspace... She was too busy getting kidnapped!
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Post by kwicherbichen »



2) Who the f**k are they to kidnap a girl under mere SUSPICION that she's going to do the ceremony?

3) And who the f**k are they to say whether or not the ceremony is actually detrimental?

4) If anything happens, the girl will be able to identify them and they cannot run. They will be caught by police like *that*.

5) What makes them think the Order or whoever will not try to go after them? Heh, and not like before. Maybe now they will actually HARM them.

*cough* Have to admit though.... I did enjoy seeing that shit ass Jules suffer a bit. XD
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