This is from a site hereEarth vortices are analogous to the chakras in the human body. There are 9 major chakras in the body, counting two above the head within the etheric field, which are not normally referred to. There are several minor chakras throughout the body. (See section Chakras) The arteries in the human body are analogous to the rivers and waterways of Planet Earth. Ley Lines are analogous to the nervous/energy system in the human body.
I feel this was the direction all the hints led to. The term Meridian is used in all three area: Earth, Space and the Human body. Ley lines have been discussed and hinted at in many of the videos. The locations match like this:
- Earth.....................Sky..........................Human
Vortices..................Planetary Bodies..........Chakras
rivers, waterways....Meridian?....................Arteries, blood vessels
Ley Lines................Equinox?.....................Nervous System