Using - the website

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Broken Kid
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Using - the website

Post by Broken Kid » is the official lonelygirl15 website.

Since you've found your way here, you've clicked (or followed a link to) the forums. The LG15 forums are the place to talk with other fans about the series, your theories, and your questions or just get to know other LG15 fans from around the world.

Note that you must register and login separately for the forum. If you have questions, you can contact a moderator, ambassador, or operator directly.

The forum contains these main areas:
- Admin Announcements - An area for the administrators to tell you about site- and forum-specific issues and get fan input.
- Mysteries in the Plot - Discuss the story, the videos, and more!
- Character Discussion - Discuss Bree, Daniel, and the other characters here.
- OpAphid: The Official LG15 Alternate Reality Game - Immerse yourself in the ARG. Discuss theories, solve puzzles, add your input, or just get to know other ARG fans!
- Everyone's a Character - Here's your chance to talk to Bree and the other characters. Sometimes they respond! But stay in character.
- General Discussion - Discuss the LG15 phenomenon or just get to know each other.
- LG15 Fan Creations - Show your creative side and create your own fanfic, or discuss others' creations here!

In addition to the forum, features a Video discussion area for each video where you can login and add your comment.

Click the Chat link to open a flash chat window where you can chat real-time with other LG15 fans!

The LGPedia is a fan-driven Wiki containing information about everything and anything LG15-related, and it's a fantastic resource!

The Store/Merchandise link will let you show your support for LG15 and proudly display your affection for the show with fancy t-shirts and other paraphernalia.

And the Member Directory lets you see and contact other LG15 fans. Be aware that the username on the main page may be different from a user's forum login.[/list]
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Post by RedRevolver »

Shouldn't this really be updated?
KateModern or we eat YOUR children.

*who is we?* other personalities?...=|...
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