Inigo wrote:However, as much as I like Sarah, I feel her presence a bit forced, and it seems like she feels it too. Obviously she is there because people like her her role was probably meant to be much shorter and the popularity of the character was unexpected, but if she only there to do sexy things then the character will get boring fast. Hope that's not the case and that the creators give her something important to do.
Now obviously I hope as much as the next person that she'll do important things, but Inigo, the first two sentences of this paragraph would
make bunnies cry — or at least me anyway. I expect more from you than this. All I can say is shame on you. Shame be upon you!
In all seriousness, though, I don't think this video was meant to be taken as an indication of what Sarah's role will always be. It's rather refreshing, I think, to see a character who isn't quite so gung-ho about finding hidden stuff and fighting the Order. Really, the impression I get from her is that she involves herself in the goings-on of TAAG largely because she's bored. I think this is part of the character's worldview, not so much an indication that she was forced into the plot here without them really thinking about it.
When I mentioned liking how she strolls through situations earlier, that's really the kind of impression I get from her: She does this stuff to entertain herself (and because she likes DB). It makes me wonder if
Apo's recent determination that Sarah is a solipist is correct. It doesn't necessarily mean that she's inconsiderate or unable to identify with others' feelings, but she may very well question how much of the reality she perceives is objective.
In either case, I find her behavior fascinating, in all honesty, and I look forward to seeing her actually transition from this rather indifferent state to one more concerned with the situation. That said, though, I'd like to see her maintain a bit of this attitude. Perhaps a confidence on some level that things will always turn out okay, if only because she wants them to.
If anyone here has played "Final Fantasy XII," think of Balthier. In his mind, everything that was going on was just a story and he was the lead in it. Even when he was facing certain death, he remained calm when warned and said "I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies."
Emyr wrote:i think that the question in the audition about age beinga treatable desease is a huge clue. i have a feeling that preventing aging or death might be one of the goals of hymn of one. also the question about global conflict. that might mean that the ceremony somehow wants to unite all nations. they're looking for smart people and people who don't fall inlove easily(to get the perfect score on the audition that question had to be answered with strongly disagree). those questions are a load of clues.
I agree that this gives us insight and that it definitely sounds like they want immortality, but I'd like to clarify before any misunderstandings arise that it was actually strongly
agreeing that one falls in love easily which was needed to get 100%.
By the way, aren't they absolutely adorable together, guys?:
Especially when you look at how delighted and embarassed Daniel was: