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Hello Hello!!!

Post by Veronica »

How is everyone today? I am new to the forum. But a long time LG Fan. Been watching since the 4th vid. :) I am not too good and putting everything together and some of the lingo throws me, but I do my research and get it most of the time. If I post in the wrong room or use the wrong lingo don't be too harsh, just let me know!!
I look forward to meeting you all, Veronica :D
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Post by LittleChickie »

Hi!! Right now I'm frustrated with my computer and it's slowness. LOL I'm still a newbie here too. We'll post stuff in the wrong place together. LOL
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Post by Cloud_ax »

welcome Veronica! :D
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Re: Hello Hello!!!

Post by colbertnationgirl »

Veronica wrote:How is everyone today? I am new to the forum. But a long time LG Fan. Been watching since the 4th vid. :) I am not too good and putting everything together and some of the lingo throws me, but I do my research and get it most of the time. If I post in the wrong room or use the wrong lingo don't be too harsh, just let me know!!
I look forward to meeting you all, Veronica :D
Hi Veronica!! :D Let me know if you have any questions, I'm happy to help. :D
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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