Syliva Plath + Sarah

They're sisters, but they're quite different.

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Syliva Plath + Sarah

Post by codeqazplm »

If anyone has been in the Sarah chat lately, they would know that she uses a lot of "Syliva Plath" lines. I did some research on her and here's what i found:

1. She's a poet/ novelist

2. She was depressed, and could be seen through her works (maybe thats why Sarah picked her)

3. She commited suicide, but didn't plan on going all the way through with it , she planned on getting caught doing it and stopped (she died by turning on the oven gas and sticking her head in it!). (maybe this is foreshadowing Sarah! Oh god PLEASE NO)

4. She wrote a poem called "Daddy", which contains lines that might suggest a bad relationship with her dad (the same as Sarah)

5. She wrote a poem called "THE COLOSSUS" (that must be where she got the name for her pet)

6. Her father also died when she was in her late childhood. (Maybe Sarah refeeres to her father leaving as "dying"?)

If you have anything else, then u can post, or if you feel like saying anything.
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Post by longlostposter »

Yes, I noticed the Sylvia Plath quotes, but I believe you are the first to research it. Kudos to you.
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Post by Inigo »

Sarah gets along well with her dad, but badly with her mom. She suffers the oedipus complex.
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Post by namine20 »

Yeah, Taylor said that Sarah's mother was really happy when she called her. So the mum loves the daughter, but the arrogant daughter hates the mum and loves the dad.

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Post by garnet »

I posted some stuff on SP when Sarah first showed up on the scene. I don't know if it's just a character development tool or something more. Sarah definitely has some emo tendencies (reveling in her own problems, acting melodramatic, etc.) which would make Plath an appropriate interest for her. I think the Daddy issues may be part of why the poet appealed to Sarah to begin with, but that's probably as far as it goes. I keep waiting for Sarah to write some of her own poetry, but I'm beginning to doubt if she'll ever deliver.

This probably isn't significant, but another possible connection could be the fact that Plath lived and wrote in the UK (which seems to be replete with Orderites). Though American, she attended Cambridge and later moved to London. She died in the early 60s, and she would be just a few years older than Tom Stoppard were she alive (Tom Stoppard being the author of R&G are Dead).
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Post by Mobiles »

I've been trying to find my copy of The Bell Jar to read, again. lol
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Post by Starlight_Heart »

Inigo wrote:Sarah gets along well with her dad, but badly with her mom. She suffers the oedipus complex.
What a good way of explaining Sarah's emotions - I didn't think of it! Kudos!! (Psychology did not help me whatsoever :lol:)

All women are said to suffer from it, it's just that Sarah makes it clear she dislikes her mother for taking her father away from her. And ewwwww if she has any sexual orientation towards her father!!

For people who don't study psychology, here is what it is

Freud... what a genius nutter...

Also, Taylor suffered the same experience as Sarah, even if she was not as close to her father as Sarah... so why doesn't she suffer from it as well?
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Post by Lurker »

I'd say her blog entries suggest frustration with her dad as well.
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Post by U.D. »

Colosus is her ferret .
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Post by onsweetavenue »

And of course Plath's poem Collosus is about her father.
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Post by hella »

lol oedipus complex...that stuff isnt real. also, what quotes does she use?
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