IRC Chat commands 101

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IRC Chat commands 101

Post by ShardinsKitten »

I've been meaning to post this for awhile. Most of you probably wont need any of these commands but just in case. These are for the freenode server.

*OP/set user level:/msg chanserv ACCESS <channel> ADD <mask | nickname> <level>
*Identify to channel: /msg chanserv id #channel
*Auto OP set: /msg chanserv level #channel set AUTOOP <level>
*Register Nick: /msg nickserv register <password>
*Register Channel: /msg chanserv register <channel> <password>
*Set Channel Mode: /msg chanserv set #channel mode <+/-mode>
*Guard(brings in chanserv): /msg chanserv set #channel guard <on/off>
*Set Topic: /topic #channel <whatever your topic is>
*If auto op is off and you're an op: /msg chanserv op #channel
*List of current level settings: /msg chanserv level #channel list
*Change level options: /msg chanserv level #channel set <option> <level>
*List of different mIRC modes can be found here:
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Post by chershaytoute »

For those of us who're savvy with other stuff online, but haven't the IRC experience needed by a gnat with ADHD...a translation in words of less than one syllable would be great!

Oh, and Super Glue added for best effect... :D
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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