Sure, you forgot about your best friends...

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Sure, you forgot about your best friends...

Post by BrightSilence »

...but have you forgotten about us aswell?

:smt022 :smt022 :smt022

havent we always been around to help you...?
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Post by apocalypse46 »

Man bree you arent even the star of the show anymore. Lonelygirl15 my ass now its Lonelyguy starring DB and my future wife that doesnt know she is yet sarah :twisted: you need to hurry up and come back. ill reprogram you myself if i have to. all i need is a stungun and anouther pair of handcuffs. sounds cruel but it works... plus me and sarah could have fun with the handcuffs later maybe :wink:

Spencer must be kicked from the show!!!!!!
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Post by HeartofSorrow »

apocalypse46 wrote:Man bree you arent even the star of the show anymore. Lonelygirl15 my ass now its Lonelyguy starring DB and my future wife that doesnt know she is yet sarah :twisted: you need to hurry up and come back. ill reprogram you myself if i have to. all i need is a stungun and anouther pair of handcuffs. sounds cruel but it works... plus me and sarah could have fun with the handcuffs later maybe :wink:
Ok 1. I thought you already had a stungun and 2. why do you need another pair of handcuffs?
I don't mind being called by my username, but I wish for you to call me by my true name Eagle Who Flies On Golden Wings.
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