this is horrible!

The Hymn of One: Religion or merely recruiting for the Order? Discuss her "religion".

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this is horrible!

Post by buffyxo »

honestly, im completely new here, but i've been looking @ the forum for a little bit now, and its kinda disgusting how everyone is treating each other (i shouldnt say everyone... but the majority of people)!
there is so much ignorance and disrespect for everyone's religion, and it's kind of horrible! this forum should be fun and safe, not somewhere where you constantly have to be on your guard or defending your religion. personally im not of any religion, and have my own views on things, but if someone was to talk to me about any religion i would be respectful even if i completely disagreed with them.

no wonder bree wants to keep her religion a secret... with all of this bashing going around i would like to keep mine a secret too!

i noe this post sounds kinda harsh... and i noe there are a lot of nice considerate people on this forum, and there have been some conversations where religion and beliefs are respected... but the majority of time, this isnt the case.
it goes back to the basics... treat others how you would want to be treated.
blah blah broken record... but it needed to be said!

...if this were sunnydale, buffy woulda saved the day!
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Post by cimaruta »


RIP Cricket

Some people must kill innocents ...
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