Update: The woods, power bars, and Bree

Have advice for Daniel that doesn't involve criminal activity? Share it.

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Post by Shaneener »

Daniel, I really wanna give you a big hug. ;___;
Sorry, what's that I hear?

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Post by modelmotion »

Hey, Daniel:

So first Bree's dad was giving her injections in preparation for the ceremony (or did we just ASSUME that?)

Then you tell us he was giving her injections to make her trait negative.

And now the Order is giving her injections again? Why is that?

Something still does not add up here. Can you please explain!

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Post by secretone »

danielbeast wrote: And then we heard it... helicopters. There had to be at least two of them.
There were two helicopters, one belonged to the order the other didn't. I will neither confirm or deny it. But the order may not have Bree, and Daniel you haven't failed Bree, wait and see.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

I already said this to Jonas, Daniel, but I thought I'd say it here too because you come on the forums more often:

I think you might have some luck going to Bree's house. After all, her video was called "Going Home." She may have just gone home with her old mother again or a new set of fake parents. She could prepare for the ceremony while living at home a few months ago, so that may be what she is doing now.

Remember to channel your anger towards the Order; they are the enemy here. It isn't helping anybody to beat yourself up over anything. You haven't failed yet. It ain't over till it's over, kid. *nudge of encouragement* :smt023
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Re: Injections

Post by sack36 »

modelmotion wrote:Hey, Daniel:
So first Bree's dad was giving her injections in preparation for the ceremony (or did we just ASSUME that?)
Then you tell us he was giving her injections to make her trait negative.
And now the Order is giving her injections again? Why is that?
Maybe they have the ability to pump the trait. It looks like we'll need to make sure the trait--whatever it is--is completely gone so they can't do that.
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Post by Aerrow »

Well the shots were a normal preparation for the ceremony, her dad was just swapping them with something different, so he was still giving her shots except the stuff he was giving her helped make her trait negative.. Now that she is with the order preparing her for the ceremony they are giving her the shots that she was supposed to be getting in the first place which probably make her more trait positive..

I mean if there is a shot that helps make her trait negative I'm sure there is a shot that helps make her trait positive.. But I'm sure whatever The Order is injecting her with isn't good..
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Post by chevalier »

danielbeast wrote:
eucebo wrote: even if you got to her, is not like she would've want to go with you... Maybe you should trust her judment, she might know exactly what she's doing...
But isn't her judgment flawed right now? How can this be the RIGHT decision? I just don't understand why she would this. Why now?

Is there any chance that's she's NEITHER brainwashed NOR a willing member of HoO but is doing this either to protect someone, or to bring it down from the inside? When she gave herself up to "save" Jules it seemed like she had a plan.

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Post by Trish »

good point, chevalier. I was thinking the same thing, that she would just willingly get into a car with them after talking to them for five minutes. I think she's got a plan.
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