Are the Creators in the Order??

The Hymn of One: Religion or merely recruiting for the Order? Discuss her "religion".

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Post by gemmacrowley »

It would be a great way to promote O.T.O.
Sorry I mean HoO
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Post by LauraBaby88 »

I think in a way, that originally it WAS fictional, but some people ahve started to believe it. Hmmmm..... I think that some people are actually trying to follow it... :shock:
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Post by Hiram »

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learn to think backwards"

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Post by Aerrow »

Well you see what it all really is.. Is that they give us all these things we have to solve as a training method.. And the ones they feel have been mentally trained to the point they are looking for are taken into the 'real' Order that is supposed to be fake.. Thats how it works.. That is why all of those geniouses left after the Oppy stuff.. It wasn't them leaving it was them being taken.. They all completed their training and some maybe found out more than they were supposed to.....
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Post by Hiram »

"Perhaps the final secret of the Illuminati /.\ is that you don't know you're a member until it's too late to get out."
- Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger Vol. 1

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Post by ChelseaF »

ApotheosisAZ wrote:They have heard this theory before, on January 20th.

I did a fan video called "Spoiler Warning!"

I think they did get a laugh out of it.

I did.
I love that video! It made my day. :lol:

I would totally be in The Order. It would make life so much more interesting.
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Post by suze900 »

There's a whole book about a situation like this, where a small group of bored people makes up a conspiracy theory and plays around with it, to the point that a group of real conspirators finds out about them, decides that these fantasizers have some actual occult knowledge that the conspirators need, and starts chasing them down. It's long and kind of a hard read, but I loved it. It's called Foucault's Pendulum, and it's by Umberto Eco, the guy who wrote The Name of the Rose.
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Post by Hiram »

Reality is Stranger than fiction!

Don`t you just love Drama.

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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

It reminds me of the Stanford Prison experiment. They made a fake prison and students volunteered for it and had to play roles of either guards or prisoners and then it became freakishly real and the shit basically hit the fan.
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Post by Hiram »

Hmm, interesting. Seems to be the way the current flows now. Thoughts, words, actions, become literal projections and manifest into reality. Unknowing subjects get caught off guard in this new dimension of the matrix...

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Post by Morgan »

lol, after watching David Icke, the word "Order of" and "Illuminati" would especially give you chills.

oh and the whole series of lg15 at that.

:shock: you guys know what I mean?
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Post by galatea024 »

the stanford prison experiment was turned into this amazing german movie - where they went with how it might have turned out had the experiment not been stopped at the crucial point that it was... it would be insane if this was in some way some sort of crazy mind screw...
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Post by Hiram »

You know a series/movie, etc... is well done when the actors and the themes they use can fool you into thinking its real.

But in AL- Sirius-ness ... masons.htm ... ro_002.htm

For a more realistic elucidation.
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Post by PinkWeeds »

You guys have no idea.

The HoO resembles the free masons in a lot of ways.

First of all there are "elders" who are rarely seen or at least are unknown to be what they are.

There is also the whole "take over the world through controll" issue.

Masons are every where, in our police departments, in our government, even our president is a mason. (He joined the skull and bone club in college which is just another branch of the masons)

The masons are also very secretive. You pay money to learn more about it, it's rather like lg15 in the fact that they keep feeding you clues to get you hooked.

One of the ways to initiate someone into the masons is to make them tell all of ther inner most secrets. Should someone try to leave the masons they could be blackmailed- their secrets exposed.

I could seriously go on but I'd probably freak you out more. The parallels are there though.
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Post by Hiram »

Points to my name :wink:

I was reading The College Series of Degrees of the Antient and Primitive Rite

When I heard a ring in my inbox letting me know a reply to this topic had been sent.


Here is a good read: ... asonry.htm
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