I really kind of hate . . .

Chat with jonastko. Where are his parents, anyway?

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I really kind of hate . . .

Post by Laurin_B »

That you never told us who you thought must have sent you the "Help her Friday" message. Something about you not telling us seems a tad shady. What's the deal?
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Post by Lurker »

He may want to protect their identity for their own safety. Or he just may not know.
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Post by Laurin_B »

Yeah, but even if he wanted to protect their identity, which I totally understand, he didn't even acknowledge that someone specifically sent him that message. I mean, duh, it's pretty obvious by the content that it was meant for him, but why didn't he acknowledge it at all?
"And then Max cried 'Let the wild rumpus start!'"
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"You a-holes are in trouble now. Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet my friend--Optimus Prime." ~Sam, Transformers
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