Is it still the same?

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Is it still the same?

Why do you care anyway?....Weirdo..
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Is it still the same?

Post by Way2Curious »

This isn't really a complaint, more a question for the forum members.
I decided to take a break from the forums (I mostly only read them before anyhow) several months ago because it seemed like everything that was predicted here came true (fan involvment and all that). It spoiled the element of surprise a little, for me anyway. I've still been watching all the vids though and it has actually been more entertaining that way because I don't already know whats about to happen. Not that I don't like the fan involvment, its one of the things that has always made LG15 so unique. :)

Anyhow my question was, is it still the same? Does what the fans suggest here still basically create the plot?
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Post by Taig »

oh my friend you are about to learn that one "can never come home again"

You are returning to a forum where things seem to reflect our current culture. The epoisodes are getting cheesier, relying on flesh when a decent story line eludes them. And the phorum seems occupied with members who are easily duped by such tawdry tactics.

I don't recall anyone ever having any real influence on ANY outcomes although I do remember a time when they wanted you to think there was . SO I guess your answer is "Yes" if that's the way you remember it that;'s the way they are still selling it.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Well actually, Daniel and Bree would never have had any sort of romance or attraction between them if not for fan enthusiasm.

But, in response to the original poster, I don't think the fans directly influence the plot as much anymore. There are more clues and puzzles, so there is still a lot of fan interaction, but the Creators seem to have the plot planned for at least the near future. (Although, I admit I do think the Sarah/Daniel thing was directly caused by fan support of the couple.)
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