wintermute wrote:I'm not really religious. I was raised in a Christian environment - both Baptist and later a Christian cult that is kinda hard to explain, so I won't attempt to. Anyhow, the thing that turned me away was being forced to attend church as a teen... I saw that as an attempted brainwashing, and I'm the most stubborn person you'll ever meet (when I want to be), so forcing me to attend actually had the opposite effect. The whole experience left a bad taste, and I view organized religion with distrust and as an attempt to control the masses.
This sounds
very similar to my fact it sounds from your other post that we were raised in the same cult (I always call it that too). WWCG? Hated it. I have in fact diassociated myself from my father due to that religion and his brainwashed state, which began when he was 4 years old.
Anyway, hi everyone! So, I was raised in a christian cult, up until I was 17. I've been an athiest for at least 20 years (I'm 30). When I was about 8, I looked at a publication put out by "my" church called "Does God Exist?" and decided, hmmm...good question, probably not (this idea had never before been presented to me). I'm not sure I ever believed in any sort of god. I think I believed what my parents told me, but it was more like I believed in them, not a god. I hope that makes some kind of sense.
I haven't put much study into religion, just bits and pieces, and one class in college (which I found to be useless), so lonelygirl has been a learning experience for me. It completely baffles and eludes me, what the draw or desire for faith
is. The only answer I have felt comfortable with is a complete disbelief in the supernatural. I do, however, enjoy horror movies and completely suspend my disbelief for the pure entertainment value.
My personal beliefs are that no god-being-thingies exist, and it is up to the individual to find their "path." Beyond that, I am far too tired to explain it atm. Maybe another time.
It is very interesting to read everyone's response, so thanks to everyone who shared here.