Mee-ow! yea yea, I'm guilty of having checked out your myspace pics already megs lol love the modeling pics
haha thanks Lester I had trouble decided which photo to post on here and decided against those
QUEEN_AKASHA2004 wrote:heres me...
i really do love my hair
You have very beautiful hair and also a beautiful set of lips too! I have big lips too, I have come to learn that many people love them and think that they are beautiful, so i have come to feel that way too! Embrace your lovely lips!
ETA: I went to find a smiley with lips, I'm outraged!!! There are none! What's up with that?! We need a smiley with big pouty lips
You can call me Meg, Megan or Megs Or whatever you feel like lol
Whoa, are beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeautiful. O.O
Um...what was I going to do...shoot...Oh yeah! I was going to post pics of the puppies that were just born! One of these is going to be my family's (Blue and green collars are boys and yellow and pink collars are girls):
How frickin' cute is that????
Research Director of the Elendi-Waffle Lonelistic Physics Research Institute (EWLPRI)
ghost_of_kenny wrote:Whoa, are beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeautiful. O.O
Um...what was I going to do...shoot...Oh yeah! I was going to post pics of the puppies that were just born! One of these is going to be my family's (Blue and green collars are boys and yellow and pink collars are girls):
How frickin' cute is that????
are they ghost puppies? O.O
Hello, I'm Jo.
And yeah, I'm a guy. Jo's just a nickname.
ha ya i do imbrace my lips but i always get men hecklers ya know so i dont really like to acknowledge them..and thanks for all the nice things..ya marla u def pwned me lol
Proud Member of the Spencer Gillman Fan Club
"go dad" just kidding
ghost_of_kenny wrote:Whoa, are beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeautiful. O.O
Um...what was I going to do...shoot...Oh yeah! I was going to post pics of the puppies that were just born! One of these is going to be my family's (Blue and green collars are boys and yellow and pink collars are girls):
How frickin' cute is that????
Thank you
Those puppies are soo unbelievably adorable!!!!!
You can call me Meg, Megan or Megs Or whatever you feel like lol
Mirage wrote:Congrats Romy!! Your collar bone is tres sexy!
What are you doing to diet?
counting calories like whoa! X_X
I did the sacred heart diet to start out with. Its hard to commit to though.
Congrats Romy! Especially on finding something that you can stick to! I can imagine that that is probably the hardest part. I am trying to cut out sodas for the love of my kidneys and it is sooo hard. I give you major props. I can never stick to anything! (well except for lg15 that is.) lol
You can call me Meg, Megan or Megs Or whatever you feel like lol
romanceismusic wrote:
counting calories like whoa! X_X
I did the sacred heart diet to start out with. Its hard to commit to though.
I'm looking at it right now, and dang. Although, it's only for a week though....
I've been eating nothing but Lean Cuisines for the past 3 weeks. Actually, no, yesterday we cheated and I got a CHEESEBURGER. It was seriously orgasmic.
But I am kinda contemplating that sacred heart. Though...wouldn't it all just go to hell after you stopped being on it?