There are good and bad people within every religion. The OoD does not value either one of these traits above another. I am the center of the OoD and I am far from perfect and have never claimed to be. I am human. As for your question about a “monstrous” linage, I sure many people outside our religion feel this way. I am part of this linage and I don’t feel or act like a monster but I bet a lot of people would say that I am. However others would say that I am wonderful and sweet. I would never give you an answer like faith because faith is an answer you give when there is no real answer. I think it is a matter of perspective how you view the creators of my religion.Esteed wrote:Well, "Mother of Monsters" may be a modern term, but even as far back as Beowulf Lilith was considered the mother, or at least an ancestor, of Grendel. Considering the numerous myths that list Lilith or a Lilith-figure as the progenitor of more than a few monstrous lineages, it's likely that there is at least some kernel of truth amidst all the mythical exaggeration. If that's the case, how do you know definitively that one of these monstrous lineages didn't decide to pull the wool over everyone's eyes by inventing their own myth and using it to found a religion?
I suppose the answer would be faith. Yet faith can only carry you so far. Explore the inner circles of your religion, I think you'll find the apple is rotting within.
I love Beowulf but it is just a book. In it Grendel is considered a descendant of Cain. Cain is the son of Eve, not Lilith.