cainam wrote:lol bugged someone in a france irc chan for a translation they gave me this
Contact sera and abli when you are in place. Take care of her, I hope your eyes don't disturb you
That's helpful, especially, the "when you are in place" and the word "hope" which I had trouble figuring out. I don't see how they got "disturb you" (ne vous dérangent pas) ... maybe a guess?
Here is what I have at this point:
Contact sera établi lors que vous serez a destination. Prenez bon soin d'elle. J'espère que vos yeux ne vous causent pas d'et qru x ubhaeyk hhqkufh xdkwwjyf
babel fish translates to
Contact will be established at the time you will be has destination. Take good care of it. I hope that your eyes do not cause you and qru X ubhaeyk hhqkufh xdkwwjyf
(The "take good care of it" could be "take good care of her")
The last few words still look scrambled to me, so I'm not sure what to do unless the key changes somehow to correct them.