1000th post!!!
K, posting pics first and fixing with commentary later!
Edit: sorry the pics are kinda big... I'm a technical idiot and don't know how to make them smaller *shrug*
The first two are at my sister's wedding. I was maid of honor, and this dress shows perfectly why I am a member of the IBTC! (And no, in the second pic it's not that I'm that short, that's my brother in law's shoulder next to me and he's 6'5" or something!)
Random shot of me trespassing on someone's steps at the apartments by the canal in Indy.
And drunk Rachel. It was a wine festival, it was 4 in the afternoon and my mother and I were tanked. Note the two wine glasses in one hand, and what I'm taking there is a dessert liquor in a chocolate cup. YUM!
Man, I look all hot and sweaty... oh that's right, it was about 90 that day! Plus drunk RaeRae=bright red face!
FuturePeter is my make believe boyfriend.
When in doubt, go straight to sex. --Jack Coleman (HRG)