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Post by Absynth »

well Taig, you may have just gotten your wish... ... highlight=
12 in 12!!!!!!!!! :shock: :D

ETA: I have a little complaint:
I know Glenn is gone, but can you guys please come up with some kind of puzzle that doesnt get solved in ten minutes after the vid is released? I yearn for the days of the day or week long puzzles that would require all of us working hard in the IRC on different elements of one big puzzle. It doesnt have to be something that would require the IRC, but please give me something to work on... just give us an encrypted url that leads us to a page with some little puzzle and/or cypher with maybe an audio clue in there somewhere... or something, it doesnt have to follow those guidelines, but since I miss Oppy and Madison so much, Im really craving a difficult puzzle, and I hope Im not the only one
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Post by Ziola »

I agree with you about the puzzles, Absynth. Pretty much, the rule of thumb should be "If this puzzle is solvable by Ziola in a few minutes, it is far too easy, since she is puzzle-challenged".
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Post by marlasinger »

BrightSilence wrote:I don't care what you think, it still comes down to: Don't like it, don't watch it. Sure this was probably a show you used to love and I admire you trying to get it back on track, but from what you're saying I take it this is not the first time. And it was without effect. Time to give it a rest, cut your losses and leave then...

I agree that Kate Modern might be slowing LG15 down a bit, I'm just hoping that when KM is up and rolling LG15 will get better aswell. And I'm actually optimistic about that.
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Post by Taig »

The authors recent announcement that they will spill the remaining episodes of LG15 (no doubt leading to the death or final disappearance of JR - one can only hope) is a truly welcome turn of events. It is probably the only sensible response to the drop in morale over the past few months.

Perhaps now they can solve what can be solved. Salvage wthat which is worth salvaging and put the rest of it behind them (and us). I am more than happy to ignore the unanswered questions in return for some sembelence of literary order (no! not that order!)

As far as I am concerned the end of "season one" puts to rest my complaint and any reason for my pursuing the subject further.

In the spirit of tying off loose ends I do have this to say:

To the very few (Bright Silence, Marlasinger, and some self-described sophomore) of who had the audacity to disagree with me publicly I will point out that my comments, complaints and UNconstructive criticism were either heeded or simply well timed.

In any case

BS (Bright Silence -this is your new moniker in perpetuity) of the few comments you made the most irritating one had to be: "I am disappointed in you" Dude, you don't even know my name and you obviously have not been around long enough to know anything else about me. Your arrogance in this case is astonishing. You really need to think about what you are trying to say before you hit that "Submit" button and remember you can always edit your posts

Marlasinger: I checked out your myspace out of irresistible curiosity I checked out your web links. I am tremendously envious of your ability to visit the "Big Island" so frequently. Envious but still happy for you. Your posts generally reflect a spirit of alhoa and Oluolu. As a result it is just too darn hard to come down on you DARN IT!

I will say this - and it applies to BS as well. "[If] you don't like it don't watch it" is itself non-constructive criticism. Legitimate opinions and comments even if they may be contrary to your feelingsshould not be dismissed so casually.

Finally, "iamcool" (which you are consistently and painfully not.) I have no further need for any association with you. Franky, the thought of it it made my skin crawl. Our differences are insurmountable but they are also antique. I suggest we return to the de facto state of detente that existed before this and each simply pretend the other does not exist. Whether you are capable of such a civil state of coexistence I have no idea. Nevertheless it is how I intend to conduct matters.

Phew! Finally, closure on at least something around here!!!

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Post by Broken Kid »

Quoting the Forum Rules:

Disagreements: Attack the Argument, Not the Poster
With so many different theories being tossed about it is to be expected that people will start to debate with each other. We would just like to make sure everyone understands that it is fine to attack someone’s argument, to try and figure out where they are wrong, but it is never acceptable to attack, or insult the poster themselves. For example, “You’re stupid, your point is dumb” is not what we would like to see on this board, we would greatly prefer to see posts like “I disagree with your point because…”

There's no need for you to say how you feel about other users, Taig or the others. Make your point, but please leave personal opinions about other users out of it.
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Post by BrightSilence »


I was disapointed in you as a fellow human being, one doesn't have to know you to be able to do so. It's just that someone doesn't act as you expected and would want them to.

Either way, while I tried not to personally attack you and just comment on your points and arguments, you are now getting personal. As for my grammar, you should consider the fact that I'm not a native english speaker and some intrepretation of the words and sentences might be required to find the true meaning behind my words. However I do think about what I say and I really don't see why you would call me arrogant.

I think it's way more arrogant to even think that you might have put the C's up to th 12 in 12 thing. This was a subject long before this thread and needs way more preparation. I'm guessinh they've already been working on this for quite some time.

I've posted 1 section as an example of how unconstructive criticism isn't as usefull as you portray it to be. The first thing you did was send me a PM that your posts don't suck. Although that is an opinion (again, not really my opinion) it wasn't constructive in any way. The same post contained a part where I mentioned how your post would be more productive would you do things differently. You were clearly not offended by that part of the message at all. That entire thing proved my point by example.
If you don't want to just offend people, be sure to be constructive along the way.

The following pm conversation was much nicer, I think we actually agreed that we didn't have the best days and might have been a bit edgy. That's why it surprises me to find this post here. You seemed much nicer through pm. Is it just a tough guy attitude when you speak publicly?

Anyway, at least Marla loves me ;) (Right back at ya girl!)
I don't mind being paired with her in your little rant, I do tend to agree with her.

My main reason to disagree with you is your negative view on everything, even someone who agreed with you in this topic has some dirt thrown at him in the end. "iamcool"(who if I remember right likes to be called Josh or cooltron500 right?;)) that is...

PS. I would like to see the 5 missing paragraphs from your previous message, let's say curiosity got the best of me. Please PM them if they aren't fitted for public display.

EDIT: Yeah, I do know I can edit my messages!
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Post by Broken Kid »

I'm locking this thread before it results in further flaming. Please take your discussions to PM.
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