The Mole/TCC?

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Who is it?

Someone else (Specify in post plz)
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Post by milowent »

eucebo wrote:Who the hell is Beth?!?!?!?!
that is the main reason i'd think its not beth, but after reading this thread, i can see why everyone is debating it.

i guess its not ......

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Post by lehcarice9 »

it kind of looks like nikki B to me.
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Post by BrightSilence »

Nikki B has always been open and public with everything. So I don't think it's her, although I would love it if she was finally made canon already.

I'm still betting on Alex. Since lots of people have said they would like her back. Beth, well, possible, but doesn't really get me excited, so nah, probably not.
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Post by MarysCool »

milowent wrote:
eucebo wrote:Who the hell is Beth?!?!?!?!
that is the main reason i'd think its not beth, but after reading this thread, i can see why everyone is debating it.

i guess its not ......

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Post by BlackCatonMars »

It looks like Alex to me...

Could be Beth, but it just seems so random, and Beth would have to be working with either Alex or Toby to know all that information about Jonas when he was a kid. DB could've just not recognized Alex in the dark or wanted to avoid blowing her cover, since that would be pretty bad.

So I think Alex, although I've been wrong so many times before when I've tried to guess I wouldn't be surprised if it were someone else entirely.
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Post by lejaders »

I voted Alex but after looking at the picture more I think it could possibly be Nikki B?
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Post by Luminous »

Doubt it's Nikki B. She got kicked out of the HoO for smuggling chocolate :twisted:
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Post by RedRevolver »

I always thought that Cassie was just put there to be part of the OpAphid storylines.

Apparently not...
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Post by Gidget »

I think its gotta be Alex. How else do you explain all the connections to Jonas? Its possible they just got a filler actress to do that last vid in the dark, so the facial matches are irrelevant.
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Post by Aponi »

We sort of have an end to the debate.
danielbeast wrote:
betz28 wrote:daniel

could you tell who the woman was in the alley? some people think it may have been alex? it sort of sounded like her.
Hey Betz, lovin' the new pic. You look cute. :wink:

Anyway, yes I could tell who the lady in the alley was. Hmm "The Lady in the Alley"... I can see the movie now... ok sorry, I'm getting distracted easily today. It must have been that video Jonas & Spencer posted. LOL loved seein' Jonas hop like a kangaroo. :smt043

Ok, so the person I met with, Deep Throat, does not want to be identified. However, I can confirm that it was not Alex. I spent a lot of time with Alex and know her pretty well... at least I thought I did. :roll: That's another story for another day.

Also, I can confirm that Deep Throat and TCC are not the same person. What's with all of these code names? I feel like I'm in a James Bond movie. That or Fletch. Ok, catcha guys later.
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Post by Inigo »

I think this Deep Throat did a very poor job in keeping her identity secret. It's obviously Alex to me. If this video is seen by the order, she can kiss her mole ass goodbye.
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Post by xPhoenix »

Aponi wrote:ALRIGHT
We sort of have an end to the debate.
danielbeast wrote:
betz28 wrote:daniel

could you tell who the woman was in the alley? some people think it may have been alex? it sort of sounded like her.
Hey Betz, lovin' the new pic. You look cute. :wink:

Anyway, yes I could tell who the lady in the alley was. Hmm "The Lady in the Alley"... I can see the movie now... ok sorry, I'm getting distracted easily today. It must have been that video Jonas & Spencer posted. LOL loved seein' Jonas hop like a kangaroo. :smt043

Ok, so the person I met with, Deep Throat, does not want to be identified. However, I can confirm that it was not Alex. I spent a lot of time with Alex and know her pretty well... at least I thought I did. :roll: That's another story for another day.

Also, I can confirm that Deep Throat and TCC are not the same person. What's with all of these code names? I feel like I'm in a James Bond movie. That or Fletch. Ok, catcha guys later.
Maybe TCC is Alex?...
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Post by yoruba »

I think it's Alex because of her voice and the way she talks. It's just so Alex!
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Post by apocalypse46 »

i am convinced its alex. it even had her voice. it was hard to tell in the dark but her hair color was as dark as alex. alex wanted to help them

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Post by cittiecait »

daniel was that the party with both alex and beth there plus the other "suspects", surely if he had met the person before he would have recognised their voice atleast, even if he was drunk! i mean even if i meet soemone after a few drinks and i met them again i'd be like "havent i met you somewher beofre?"
the trait bree is positive for is dandruff... only neutrogena can make her trait negative!!
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